Chapter 5: A Nostalgic Jewelry box and a Troubled Xiao Bai

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After Li Zhong had left, Huang Liuxing marched towards the wardrobes flinging them open. She took out a navy blue shirt and black jeans. She changes into them after taking off her original clothes. After dressing up she walks over to a clad white desk where a small jewellery box was sitting on. The jewellery box had the faint colour of fresh spring leaves and the edges of the box were covered in small turquoise beads.

The jewellery box was given as a present to her by Li Zhong ten years ago on Christmas Eve.


"Liuxing! Merry Christmas!" Li Zhong happily smiled as he gave Huang Liuxing a Christmas parcel. Huang Liuxing frowned at Li Zhong and reprimanded him, "what do you mean by merry Christmas? It's Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day!! You're not supposed to give presents on Christmas Eve!"

Li Zhong looked at Huang Liuxing with a confused expression. Unable to comprehend the meaning behind her words, he asked: "what's that supposed to mean? Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are the same things, aren't they? It doesn't make any difference whether you receive presents on Christmas day or Christmas Eve!"

"No, no, no, no!! Wrong answer!" Huang Liuxing hand-chopped him on the top of his head. "Ow!" He cried, "what was that for?!" Huang Liuxing huffed and puffed in disapproval then glared at him with her clear caramel-brown eyes. She pointed at him with her index finger and said, "you deserved it for being so ignorant about the tradition of Christmas!"

"Tradition of Christmas..?" He asked as he looked at Huang Liuxing grudgingly expecting a good answer for being hit on the head. Huang Liuxing continued, "Christmas Eve is a day when we gather all of the present put them under a big Christmas tree! Then as thanks, we put a plate full of Christmas cookies and mince pie and a warm glass of milk near the fireplace so that when Santa Claus comes he can eat and drink! Then you'll get even more presents!!"
Li Zhong scoffed, "you actually believe that?"
"Don't interrupt me!"


Huang Liuxing whacked him in the head and glared, "don't talk when a lady is talking!"

"Ok..." Li Zhong replied reluctantly.
Huang Liuxing continued her lecture, "Christmas isn't just for receiving gifts. It's a day where the entire family gets together, eats together, talks together and open presents together sharing all our joys. It's the only time where everyone will truly enjoy the happiness of receiving and giving!"

"Bah! What's the point of that?!" Li Zhong huffed and puffed. Huang Liuxing started him down and said seriously, "don't you want to experience the taste of being drunken in happiness with worrying about anything in that one moment of joy?"

"Haha, you must be joking. But I wouldn't mind spending a Christmas like that with you!" Li Zhong said mischievously. A slight blush of red appears on Huang Liuxing's cheeks. She continuously hits him on the back with a flustered face. "How dare you sweet talk to me!"


Huang Liuxing was snapped out of her trance by the rumbling of her stomach. This reminded her of what happened early with Li Zhong.

Huang Liuxing's mood becomes even worse. No matter how nostalgic the jewellery box was, the incident with Li Zhong previously still made her feel bitter inside.

Those feelings of nostalgia soon disappeared. Only bitterness and anger remained.

Li Zhong. Oh Li Zhong, don't think that I will let you get away with this!

Huang Liuxing marched out of the room with this thought in mind. She was definitely going to have her revenge!


In the hotel's lobby.

Li Zhong and the rest of the gang were getting ready to go and eat lunch. It was already past twelve o'clock and they were starving since none of them got to eat breakfast in the morning.

However, no matter how hungry they were, they couldn't just go and eat without their boss. So they had to wait until Huang Liuxing came to the lobby.

Five minutes, ten minutes... Thirty minutes had already passed. Yet why wasn't there any sight of the boss?!

They were starving for God's sake! Why was the boss taking so long?!

Everyone was tired and hungry and just wanted to eat! Yet why was it so hard to do that?!

Noticing the agitated and irritated looks on everyone's faces, Xiao Bai hurriedly looked towards Li Zhong who stood leaning against the wall playing on his phone.

"Boss Li, when is Boss Huang coming?"

Li Zhong made an "mm" sound and with looking at the young man he shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno, soon I guess?"

Soon? But it's already been thirty minutes!! Xiao Bai couldn't understand what Li Zhong meant by 'soon', why couldn't he be more specific? Xiao Bai glanced at the others whose faces seemed to scream out 'I'm hungry!'

Xiao Bai asked again, "boss Li... can't you ask the boss to come down?"
This time Li Zhong didn't answer Xiao Bai and just ignored him. This made him very anxious. Since boss Li was ignoring it meant 'be quiet and wait.

Xiao Bai sighs helplessly and quietly walks way from Li Zhong and sits in a space on the sofa. As he sat down, a boy with spunky hair edged over to Xiao Bai. "Xiao Bai, well how did it go? Did boss Li say when Leader Huang will come?"

Xiao Bai looked at the young man pitifully and simply answered "no."
"Huh?! Why not? So does that mean we're not having lunch?"
"He didn't say that..."
"Then what did he say?!"

The boy was growing impatient putting Xiao Bai in a tight spot. "He said soon.." He really didn't know what to say to defend his boss in this situation.

Although Xiao Bai was the most loyal person only second to Li Zhong out of the entire gang and would follow orders like his life depended on it, he just couldn't defend boss Huang in this kind of situation. After all, she did forcefully bring everyone out so early in the morning to travel all the way to Huayin city. No one had eaten breakfast of course because it was too early at the time!

So, of course, everyone was feeling wronged! But he couldn't say this out and could only shake his head. "Just wait patiently. That's all you can do right now."

The boy's face turned pale, the expression on his face was obviously saying 'wait? I haven't eaten for eight hours straight! How am I supposed to wait?!'

Xiao Bai guessed the boy's thoughts and could only give him a virtual pat on the back.

He looked towards Li Zhong who was still playing games on his phone.

Sigh. Boss Li, can't you be a bit more sympathetic towards your fellow comrades?

However, he knew that was never going to happen.

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