Chapter 2

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I had finally graduated from being 7 to being 8 and was now in year 4. The boy responsible for my unnecessary death in the future is now following me around at lunch.

"Why are you always following me?" I turned abruptly shocking him into dropping his tray.

My heart raced at the thought of having to share my lunch with him if he dropped his tray.


Using my superhuman reflexes I was able to quickly save it from falling to the ground and save my stomach from eating away at itself at dinner time.

"T-thank you." He mumbled while looking at me with his mouth slightly open in wonder.

"Why don't you watch where you're going? Is it because of this fringe that you're always bumping into things?" I pulled his fringe up, revealing his starry blue eyes. Like there were literal stars in there.

What the hell is with this world and weird character traits? Like I don't know if I mentioned it but he had bright purple hair, do you know how crazy that is? Yeah, purple hair isn't too crazy but naturally purple hair is freaking wild.

If you looked around most people had black or brown hair and brown eyes. The weird colour scheme must be a feature of the main characters in the heroine's harem. Like for example in a sea of brown and black that middle table had a vermillion haired boy with bright green eyes. He was obviously a future harem member, although his name escapes me.

"Uhm, uhm, uhm." The boy in front of me struggled to speak as his tray shook.

"Never mind." I sighed as I led the way towards a corner table in the cafeteria.

"Y-you're not scared of my eyes?" He seemed to recover his speech as he sat down beside me.

"They're super creepy." I said in between mouthfuls of chicken.

"Oh." His shoulders slumped slightly in response.

What did he want me to say? That they were pretty? In a way, you could say it was pretty. Because you know like the stars in your eyes is like the biggest romantic clutch of all time but when you see it in reality it's spine-chilling. Literal stars in your eyes, that's freaking crazy.

"You still getting bullied?" I asked him after a while of sitting in silence. This bullying arc is definitely connected to the development of the villain and I had to make sure it would go smoothly.

I was excited and a bit scared for the villain to become badass. After all, he was my favourite character before he kidnapped the heroine.

"Not anymore." He answered after quickly swallowing a bite of his salad.

Well, to say that I was surprised was an understatement. The villain's childhood has barely been told but what we did know is he was bullied up until high school, so where is this plotline gone? Why has the bullying stopped?

"W-why?" I stuttered out as I put my fork down, sucking up some of the juice shot while looking bewildered.

"I'm not sure." He mumbled with a smile as he quickly took another bite of his salad.

He definitely knew! How dumb does he think I am that I wouldn't notice that? But at the same time he's picking up immoral behaviours so I'm quite happy with this character building.

"..." I stared him down but he refused to crack. "Good." I mumbled under my breath as I finished the rest of my juice before getting up.

"W-wait, I'm not finished y-yet." He hurriedly tried to eat his sandwich while standing up but I put my hand up to stop him.

"I'm just putting my tray back." I told him while signaling for him to sit down.


I laughed maniacally in my head as I hid behind a taller year 6 kid and disappeared within a crowd. I'll finally be able to escape.

Do you know how scary it is being with your executioner? Of course, he's not too scary now but in the future, urgh I'm getting chills. If you thought the good ending was scary the bad end- urgh I don't even want to think about it.

Just as I was crossing the boundary to freedom I was dragged away. Sighing in relief, when I saw that it wasn't Audeus but just a group of year 6 kids.

"If you don't stop hanging around Audeus, we're gonna beat you up." The head said in what he assumed was a threatening tone.

The problem you see, I'm a fully grown adult in the body of an eight-year-old, so all I could think about was how this brat was pretty cute.

"Aww, so cute. Look at this wittle boy thweatening me, so scawy." I mocked him with a baby voice.

"W-what?" The boy turned bright red in embarrassment. "I'm not little, you're a baby!" He yelled in a flustered voice.

"I'm not wittle you'we a baby." I mimicked him in a high-pitched tone making him grow redder.

"Let's go." He huffed while leading his friends away. Well, that was anticlimactic... Not even a threat or a punch to the gut?

"Oh my g-"I screamed after turning around and coming face to face with Audeus.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean t-to scare you. I couldn't see you in-n-n the hall."
He explained looking downcast.

"Yeah, wooh about that..." I looked around awkwardly not knowing what to say. I mean I couldn't just say I tried to ditch him just now, could I?


A pic of young Audeus with his hair tied up he do be looking like a girl but that's just the limit of my drawings I imagine Sovie tying up his fringe like that just to laugh at him

I'm really not looking forward to uni I have to do some active bystander workshop so I can sacrifice my own life for Pakistan, I literally have the worst personality for intervening in conflict and they're gonna do an online workshop on zoom I wanna die😭😭😭 my sisters also going to that uni and she said they sent an email where when they start the induction week they'll have to introduce themselves to the class on the zoom call 🤮🤮I hope they aint do that to me

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