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"You okay lil bro?" L

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"You okay lil bro?" L.J asks peeking into my room. It's currently 10 pm and my parents flew across the world for business work.

I've been home for about two days now. I spent two weeks in the hospital and after monitoring me, placing me in therapy, and testing my blood almost every other day. They found out that I do in fact have schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. My mom tried talking to me and being there for me but all I wanted was to be alone. I've been trapped in my room ever since I've came back.

Writing random stuff on my cast and thinking of Ruby and what I would say when I finally have the courage to say her again.

I shrug scrolling down pictures I took of Ru when we went on the vacation trips pictures of her in bed bundled up in the blankets, soak and wet in the pool. Every picture she has this goofy smile on her face and it makes me happy thinking of how I'm the one that made her smile. The meds I've been on have me feeling emotionless. I haven't smiled in a while and I don't even feel like myself. Part of me is glad I'm not having those crazy thoughts anymore like I was that night but the other misses how I was before all this happened.

All I've been in the mood to do is lay around. Luckily I was released on a Friday so I haven't had to go back to school yet. Teachers and my coach know the reason why I'm gone but I wouldn't ever tell my friends about it. I don't want anybody treating me different.

L.J looks over peeking a look at my phone. She frowns. "Ya know if you want to talk to her all you have to do is call her."

I quickly shake my head. "I said a lot of things to her. Thing I regret, I was so mean to her I know she probably hates me."

Lord rolls her eyes fanning me off. "Boy she doesn't hate you. She stayed road the entire way in the car with us to the hospital having to listen to mom and dad cuss her out. Just to go the hospital and be told she can't even see you, and after that she said she would leave but I caught her in the waiting room still. That girl cares about you Zy. Even though I don't like her." She laughs.

"I just don't know what's wrong with me." I shake my head running my fingers through my curls. "I was just so mad. I lost it, and the vase? The talking to myself? I don't know where it all came from." I rant lowly. "Aren't you mad?"

I can tell by the look that crosses her face she clearly feels some way about it. "I'm just hurt that's all. Why lie is what I'm sayin."

"Exactly!" I say a little too excitedly. "Why lie? I mean do you realize how embarrassing it is to go to that party and be publicly shown my own moms sex tape? And to think I've missed out on dates, kissing, parties. All because I listened to them and followed their rules. I even tossed myself into sports just because dad said I should."

"Their messed up Ozias," she agrees. "I mean I actually believed them when they said my mom was in a car accident but the fact that they killed her..." she trails shaking her head. "I kind of hate them at the moment. That's her I haven't been over." It didn't matter to me if L.J has a different mom than me she'll always be my sister and I won't ever look at her any differently.

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