Torchwood And UNIT

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Lottie - my name is Jane and im 21 years old and I travel with the doctor I loved every minute I love him very much this is the day I told him.


Up in space it was as black as a black hole the hole sky was covered in stars hovering above earth there stood the Dalek ship it was in a shape of a egg it was the twice the size of the tardis,. Inside it was as dark as a cave the light was flicking on and off al you could hear where the heat beats of the darleks pulsing up and down the corridor  like a light. As you walked along the dark corridor on your left there was a room full of darlek of all shapes and sizes ready for the meeting of their next plan of action. A red Dalek came onto the platform as quick as it could and said with a loud voice as loud as a car horn

" ok settle down now we heard of the legend the blue horse now we never this person but they know the doctor so any plans"

" we could go to earth and fight unit, torchwood and the doctor"

Said one of the Dalek in the back row the red Dalek looked down and said while thinking about the idea

" ok sounds like a plan least go"

Said the red Dalek in agreement with the plan so they headed to earth to find the blue horse and destroy them but will they least find out. In London it was as busy as a bee hive with people running round going to work or the school run down the road from Hantomcourt there stood the tower of London it was as tail as a fridge.

All you could see where raven plying high in the sky inside the tower of London a women with black hair wearing converse shoes was fuming to the office which was down the hall as fast as she could and said while passing the information onto the team

" the Daleks are here they want the blue horse"

" what ok get me torchwood and call the doctor we need them both to get ride of Daleks ok ladies and gentlemen we are at war"

Said a women with blond hair wearing a scarf and top and trousers the women nodded and went to call torchwood and the doctor but will they save the earth from the Daleks or will there be war over a legend well least find out.

Location - Cardiff

Lottie - as the Daleks headed to war it was time to call the team first it was torchwood this was before Owen and tosh died and how they got the call.

In Cardiff it was very quiet as everyone was in work or dropped children off to school down the path near the river that shoon in the sunlight like a star in the sky there stood the rift tower as tail as a fridge water ran down it like a waterfall it was very beautiful to see. Underground beneath the rift tower there stood torchwood the room was as big as the tardis swimming pool as you go in the doctors hand was still in the jar bubble away like a fish in a bowl a man with black hair wearing a suit was walking around giving everyone tea as fast as he could. When the phone ran a women with brown hair wearing a top a jeans answers it

" hello Gwen cooper speaking how can we help, I see yes ok I let him know thanks bye, Jake"

" who was it"

Said a man with brown hair wearing braces and a t shirt looking at Gwen with a smile Gwen smiled back and said while going to his office as quick as she could

" its UNIT they need us"

" what for"

Said Owen who had brown hair wearing a doctors coat while standing in the door way with tosh who had black hair wearing boots and a jacket and top, Gwen said while telling all of them what she heard on the phone call

  " they said that they have Dalek trouble can we go help also they calling the doctor"

" who the doctor"

Said ianto while putting jake tea on the table with a smile wondering who the doctor was, jack spied his tea and said while getting his coat on as quick as  his could and said while looking at the doctor hand

" he my friend and we need to save the world least go"

Everyone smiled and they got into the car and drove off to London to UNIT have as fast as they could meanwhile up in space it was time for the doctor to get the call and help save the world alonsy. Above earth as there protector stood the tardis it was as tail as a fridge and a blue as the sea the light on the top was glowing in the darkness of space.

Inside the tardis it was bigger on the inside then the outside a man with spiky black hair  wearing a suite  was reading a book about the tardis when a girl with ginger  hair wearing a jacket and jean came down the stair and said with a smile

" so where we going today"

" anywhere you like you choose"

Said the doctor while closing his book and getting up ready to hear her answer lottie  was about to say something when the phone started to ring the doctor sighed and picked it up and said with a smile

" hello doctor speaking , yes ok right i be right there, that was unit they want me to help with a Dalek problem we got to go we getting a trip after all"

Lottie  smiled and the doctor pulled the leaver and they headed to London to see unit about the Dalek problem.

Back at unit the Kate was waiting for torchwoods and the doctor to come when Layla came through the door and said with a smile

" torchwood are here they coming through"

Kate smiled and walked off to the reception as quick as she could and said while shaking jack hand

" welcome to unit im Kate come this way"

" this is a big place Kate  bigger the ours "

Said ianto while looking around seeing how big this place is Layla said while giving them all passes as they are a part of the team as guest

" you need theses and welcome to the team"

" captain jack Harkness pleased to meet you"

Said Jake while kissing Layla hand with a smile she giggled and went off back to work and the torchwood team sat down ready to see the doctor. As they waited they heard a noise in the background Kate smiled and walked to the reception where the doctor and lottie  where and said with a smile

" welcome doctor, lottie this way please"

The doctor smiled and they all headed to the room where torchwoods  as they walked through the door Owen said with a concern look wondering if it was the doctor

" is that him"

" yes "

Said Jack as he smiled at the doctor glad to see him again after so long.

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