If You Love Her Let Her Go

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Lottie - as we went to unit i never heard of torchwood but when we meet them they where really nice people and kind and when the doctor neet them well you see what happend.

Back in unit it was very quiet as all the crew where watching and waiting for the daleks to arrive. Near the water fountain the doctor saw that jack was back and he was  there so he headed off towards them and said with a smile this will be done in script form enjoy :

Doctor- hello jack long time no see hey

Jack- doctor good to see you

Doctor- you to this is my friend lottie

Lottie  hi

Jack- doctor blimy it's been a while good to see you

Doctor - likewise

Jack- hello im Jake

Doctor - seriously stop it

Jack - can I say hello to anyone

Owen- aprently not

Gwen- doctor who are you

Lottie - he a timelord

Ianto- a what

Doctor- im a alien with two hearts

Tosh- wow

Lottie - I know twice the love huh doctor

Doctor- yes

The doctor turned to lottie  with a smile and they headed to the screen to see where the Daleks where as fast as they could the doctor said while looking at the computer with a frown

" so how far are they off from earth"

" about a hour they landing here for the fight"

Said Kate while letting everyone know what was going on jack smiled and said while faceting the doctor

" so we got a hour like to see our base"

" sure least go"

Said the doctor with a smile as they headed to the torchwood as fast as they could to see the base will they defeat the Daleks will the Dalek find what they looking for least find out.

Lottie - it was the day of the barrel we where heading to the base to get ready for the Daleks arrive it was a terrible day and one the doctor would love to forget.

Back in Cardiff it was as busy as a bee hive when the doctor , lottie  and torchwood arrived people where running round going to work or school children where laughing and playing in the puddles of rain that where left after the storm.  Jack said while stopping outside the door warning them of what they see and what they forget

" welcome to torchwood we fight aliens and collect what they leave behind unfortunately for you, you wont remember you been here im sorry we have to red con you sorry"

" what seriously oh grate come-on least go into the pit of doom"

Said the doctor while thinking about forgetting about today to be sure when you read the rest of this story you understand why he wanted to wipe his memory anyway in the torchwood base the doctor was shocked of how big it was and said with a smile

" mines bigger"

" ok smarty pants now least get geared up "

Said Owen while they headed to the weapon room the doctor frowned and followed them to the room lottie  hated guns so did the doctor they where like a match made in heaven sadly its not going to last very long. As the torchwood team got sorted out ianto said while smiling at the doctor

" so do you need anything"

" no thank I don't carry guns I got my sonic so im fine and lottie  got my old sonic so we are covered thanks"

Said the doctor while walking out the room and leaning against the door looking down at a ring on his finger when lottie  came out and said while looking at him with a worried look seeing if he was ok

" doctor what wrong who that"

" never you mind and im fine I am just thinking sorry lottie  I did not mean to shout I just miss her really the person who gave me this and I just want to think for a mo sorry lottie "

Said the doctor while walking outside lottie  hoped he was ok he did not seam himself and she was going to find out what going on one way or another. As lottie  stayed with torchwood meanwhile outside the doctor was fiddling with the ring when a image of a girl with ginger hair came out and said with a smile

" hello again I left you a message im this ring so when ever you miss me just press the ring. Message is doctor I love you don't ever stop fighting for what right be strong and I be with you all the way "

The picture went and the doctor smiled slightly and put the ring back on when tosh said with a smile

" girlfriend doctor"

" no she was my companion I lost her now least go back to unit"

Said the doctor while getting in the car as fast as they could the torchwood team looked at each other blankly and got into the car with lottie  next to the doctor and they started to head back to unit.

Meanwhile near the unit head quarters the darlek ship hovers above the base like a flying sorcer Layla said who looking out of the window

" there here"

"right ok call them see where they are"

Said Kate while hoping they get there in time to help defeat them as they called the torchwood team and the doctor back on the road they where headeding over thr bridge to London when the radio on the car started to flash this is what was said script again;

Ianto - hello

Layla- where are you

Jack- we coming over the bridge

Gwen-what wrong

Layla- the Daleks are here you need to come now

Doctor- ok we on our way drive

Ianto smile and they drive as fast as they could to get to unit in time to help defeat the Daleks. As they headed to unit over near the base where the ship was unit solders stood outside ready to kill the Daleks when torchwood, the doctor and lottie  arrived Kate said with a smile

" well you took your time"

" sorry bit we here now and we ready for them"

Said jack while getting their weapons out to destroy the darleks lottie  was scared she never fought a Dalek before and she did not know what one looks like and she hope the doctor would save her and she was right. As the door to the ship opens the doctor said while kissing lottie  on the cheek as soft as a cloud In the sky

" be safe stay with Kate I I I I I  love you  "

" alright doctor I understand good luck and I love you to "

Said lottie  while kissing him back and she headed into the base and watch the doctor thought the window hope he will destroy the Daleks but will they least find out.

Lottie - now it was time for the final battle and this is where I died and what the doctor wanted to do.

Back in unit as lottie  went inside and watched on outside the spaceship door open and three Daleks cane out as fast as they could and said while moving in a line

" where is the blue horse"

"if we knew we would not tell you"

Said the doctor while pointing his sonic at them with a smile here is the rest of their conversation:

Gwen- what is that think

Doctor- its called a Dalek

Owen- a what now

Jake- its called a Dalek they the doctor worst enemy and they kill people and destroy planets

Tosh - omg can we destroy them

Doctor- yes but aim for the eyestalk

Everyone nodded and they started to try and kill the Daleks with whatever they could find but it was no good lottie  noticed as they figured that the daleks had a force field and said to Kate with  a worried look

" they got a force field they can not  them we need to help them"

" we can't lottie  the doctor told us to protect you and that what we going to do"

Said Kate while telling her why they can not help lottie  was really annoyed she wanted to help the doctor and not stay indoor and watch. So she garbed one of units gun that can destroy daleks and said with a smile

" im going to fight for what right you can stay here ok going to help the doctor"

" good luck"

Said Layla while opening the door for lottie  as fast as she could. As lottie walked outside the door with a smile to help the doctor and to save the day. As she did that Layla closed the door back round and ran to the window to watch and said with a worried look

" I hope we did the right thing"

" same  here least see what happens next shall we"

Said Kate while walking over to the other window to get a better view of the battle as they did that outside  the doctor and the torchwood where trying to beat the Daleks. When there was a big bang as loud as a fireworks and one of the darkles explodes jake said while looking at what just happens wondering who did it

" who did that"

" me hello"

Said lottie  while walking to them with a smile the doctor ran to her and huged her as tight as a teddy bear and said while holding her tight

" thank you well done"

" thank well one down three to go"

Said lottie  while turning her back to then which was probably a bad idea as when she did that the Dalek exterminated her on the spot this is what they said script time again:

Doctor- you ok

Lottie - I love you and thank you

Doctor- don’t go please I love you to much

Owen- let her go

Doctor- shut up

Ianto- he right though

Tosh- there nothing you can do

Doctor- I said shut up she going to live I know it

Jack - im sorry

Doctor- I cant lose her

Jane- if you love me let me go

Doctor- I love you

Lottie - then let me go goodbye my love

Lottie  closed her eyes as tight as she could and she was dead the doctor huged her in his arms and started to cry tears rolled down his cheek like a waterfall in a forest. As he cried the Dalek ship disappears like a ghost in the night to not meet the doctor anger as they did that everyone was helping the doctor put lottie  on the table but what will he do least find out.

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