Love Spell

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Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when John came up the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure through time and space

"so doctor where we going today what you doing I thought you finishing fixing the tardis"

"everyone knows except me why John "

Said the doctor while getting of the swing after finishing fixing the tardis wondering how him and lottie  fell in love as everyone knew except him and he wanted to know how they feel in love

" how did me and lottie  first feel love for each other john "

" well you could ask her or someone else but why do you ask doctor don't you love her anyway "

Said John while asking if he still loved her as he was asking about their love for each other he knew about how they fell in in love but he thought it was best if lottie  told him as their love for each other was stronger then any magic.

The doctor smiled and pulled the leaver and they headed back in time to find out how lottie  and him fell in love with each other. As they did that in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth, inside the box the doctor was sitting on the chair asleep with a book on his head. When he heard a noise outside so he walked out the door after walking up and putting the book on the console. He frowned and walked outside to see lottie  running away from a dalek he frowned and got his sonic out and ran after it. But as he ran another tardis landed near another corner in London the door opens and the doctor and John walked out to see the past doctor run after a dalek John smiled and said while seeing if they should follow them

" doctor look come on least go do you think we should follow them"

"yeah least go come on "

Said the doctor while following the past doctor towards where he running to, as they did that down a ally way lottie  was catching her breath. When the dalek came round the corner she screamed and was about to run away. When it blasted her and the past doctor ran in from of it and it got destroyed he turned to her and help her up to see if she OK

" you OK miss I'm the doctor what your name"

"lottie  sir and Doctor who "

Said lottie  while smiling at him she could feel something for him and she did not know what to do just in case he did other feel the same. He smiled back and walked off back to his box John said while watching lottie  ran after the past doctor

" you see she loved you very much doctor "

The doctor did not say a word only walked off John smiled and walked after him to see what happens next. As they did that back at the past doctor tardis the doctor was about to go in when lottie  ran to him and said while kissing him on the cheek

" thank you for saving my life your my hero I love you"

"thank you lottie  see you soon I hope "

Said the doctor while holding her hand and kissing it and headed into his box but then lottie  opened the door and ran in the other doctor and John ran after to them and secretly went into see lottie  looking round the tardis

" wow this place is so beautiful "

" thank you would you like to come "

Said the doctor while walking to her to see if she wanted to come on a trip she leans in a kiss him the doctor waved his arms for a bit but then he held on to lottie  hips and kissed back lottie  let go and blushed a bit and lowerd her head

" sorry about that"

"no I loved it thank you come here "

Said the doctor while kissing her again and they carried on kissing the other doctor smiled and him and John walked out and the tardis disappeared like a ghost in the night. John smiled and said while operning the door with a beaming look on his face

" see doctor she loved you because you saved her and that it was love at first sight "

" yeah I'm glad I saw it for myself come on least go "

Said the doctor while pulling the leaver and they travelled to their next adventure through time and space. Back in the tardis and the doctor and John where putting their next destination in when lottie  came down the step and smiled at both of them wondering what they been doing since she was in the library asleep

"hello you two what you to been up to"

"nothing much but I got you thease "

Said the doctor while giving lottie  some roses with a smile she gained and grabbed them from his hands wonder what they where for

" what this for hon "

" because I love you with all my heart and I never stopped loving you "

Said the doctor while kissing her on the lips she kissed him back and they kissed as the tardis wized of to their next adventure through time and space.


Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the dalek ship. The ship was hovering near the moon ready for it next attack on the earth as you zoom into the ship the hole place was full of corridor leading to different places within the ship. As you walk down the hall the wall where full of wire that where sparking as you walk past then as you walk a bit further and to your right you see a door you open it to see the hole place full of dalek from diffrent era of the doctor.

As you walk down the middle of the screaming and shouting of the dalek a red Dalek with three lights on hits head stood at the front of all the dalek in the room it lowerd it eye stalk to Rebecca who was standing in front of it

"OK calm down everone now Rebecca here for our new plan to destroy the doctor you with us"

"yes I been shown the light again and I'm ready to fight the doctor what the plan "

Said Rebecca while looking up at the dalek with a smile after the last time she saw the doctor she turned evil again by Fred and francesca hand the dalek looked away and said after thinking of a plan to destroy the doctor

" we got some technology that can turn you into someone eyes and you can fall in love with the doctor then destroy him "

Rebecca smiled and went up the step to a chair like machine that was near the leader of the Dalek. She smiled and got into the chair and the dalek puppet pulled the leaver and Rebecca changed her face and was given a love spell so she could destroy the doctor. As she left the ship in a escape pod on earth in Cardiff the rain was patter on the town bellow. As people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain people where walking along with a umbrella up to protect themselves from the rain a few miles away from the city.

The tardis was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth inside the box the doctor was cleaning the tardis with lottie  help he smiled at her and said while touching her hand to tell her much she means to him

"I love you lottie  no matter what I never let you go"

"thank you hon  I love you to hang on I can hear something "

Said lottie  while putting her ear to the door the doctor walked over to her to see if he could see what the noise when the door opens and they both fell out onto the ground. The doctor looked up to see a hand there for him to take so he did and said while smiling at a women with black hair wearing shorts and top

"hello I'm the doctor who are you"

"I'm Barbra pleased to meet you "

She smiled and shock his hand which had a bit of love postion on lottie got up and looked at them both looking into each other eyes she frowned and said while caughting to get their attention

"um OK that enough of the flirting we got adventure to go to come on hon, hon  what going on"

"lottie  this is Barbara she so nice we just going out for a coffee you stay here I be back "

Said the doctor while taking Barbra hand and they walked to the coffee shop lottie stood near the tardis feeling a bit flat after what she just heard and decided to go off and see what they where up to but as she got there the doctor was kissing her. Her heart was broken she could not believe this was happening but she could feel something was wrong. So she headed back to the tardis but after a few hours the doctor did not come back and she was really worried about him so she walked back to the shop and the hole place was damaged, she walked in to see a letter on the floor which read

" dear lottie  I love you and I hope you have a better life without me goodbye my love"

She put the letter down and ran to the tardis and headed to find help to destroy who ever wanted to destroy the doctor and the love they had but who will she go to and what happens to the doctor least find out geronimo. 

To be contained....

Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the dalek ship, the ship was hovering near the moon ready for it next attack on the earth and destroy the world. But as you go into the ship near the controle room the doctor found himself tied to a chair with straps round his chest and neck and feet. He looked up and around but there was no one there what happened and where was lottie  something was up and he was going to find out what happened

" hello excuse me anyone home hello"

"ah hello lover I was the one who tricked you with that new look how far you come now your in my hands and this time no one will stop me "

Said Rebecca while coming into the room smiling away the doctor could not believe it was her who was the one who tricked him. He thought she was good mabey something happend but what ever happens this was not good and he needed lottie  help

" well lottie  will stop you she always does "

" yeah I love to see that "

Said Rebecca while walking off and closing the door behind her knowing lottie  will not come for the doctor but he thought different but were Is lottie  least find out geronimo. As he waited for lottie  to come in America the rain was patter on the town bellow. As people where walking around the town buying food and cloths for the year ahead along the path that was covered with rain. People where walking along with umbrella to protect them from the rain a few miles away from the city a building with the unit logo on it as  you go in through the door it was really quiet no one around but when the tardis landed martha was waiting outside, the door opens and lottie came out and said while salute him

"hello martha long tIme no see I need your help"

"well its good to see you lottid come the team will be pleased to see you"

Said martha while taking her to the console room when they got there raven and Beth where looking at the computer when they saw lottie  behind in the reflection they turn around and run to her and hugeded her

" ah good to see you mate how you been "

" good thank raven and Beth I'm so happy you doing well now my husband in trouble we need to fight the dalek please help "

Said lottie while pleading them for help, they noded and on the way picked up the others and they headed to the tardis Ben  smiled and said while putting his hand on the leaver

" can I fly it "

" yeah sure go ahead Ben  hole on tight "

Said lottid  while nodding at Ben  who pulled the leaver and they headed to the dalek ship. As they did that back on the dalek ship the doctor was still tied to the chair when he heard the tardis noise he smiled and watched as the tardis door opens and everyone came out he smiled at John and lottie  glad to see them her and frowned at the unit team  who where waving back at him

"I'm glad your here could you get me out please and who are these people"

"oh they are the unit team  "

Said John while showing him unit team  to lottie  smiling away, the doctor grined and with John help they got him out he walked over to lottie  and was about to kiss her when Rebecca came in with two dalek by her side

" well well well lottie your here at last I see well sorry to disappointing you but I'm going to destroy you exterminate her"

"no leave her alone we stop you and save the world "

Said Kate  while standing in front of lottie  protect her, Rebecca larght and wonder who they where

"who are you exactly"

"we unit we going to stop you"

Gary said smiling as the doctor was so proud of lottie  after everything they been through he was so proud of her so he blasted the self destruction button and they all ran back to the tardis

"your never defeat me I'm immortal no"

And the dalek ship was destroyed and the tardis escape and headed back to base. Back at the console room lottie  was saying goodbye again to her friend she made when she was at unt

"we all miss you goodbye time Lord"

"thank you Gary  I be back im sure bye least go home doctor "

Said lottie  while waving goodbye to them and they headed to their next adventure through time and space but will Rebecca return least find out geronimo. 

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