Chapter 2

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This is the start of Romalina's parents love story.

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She swayed her hips in a seductive rhythm to a slow sensual music that has always made her ears bleed to a jam of perverts howling, shouting for women like her to entice them some more

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She swayed her hips in a seductive rhythm to a slow sensual music that has always made her ears bleed to a jam of perverts howling, shouting for women like her to entice them some more. Even though her body is moving gracefully to the beats of the music her mind is thinking of how many customers she has to attend today . She is not scared anymore of the pain that is going to come if god forsaken someone goes too rough on her ,she is used to it. It's not that she enjoys it , it is simply the fact that this is her normal, there is not a single day when she doesn't sleep with someone.

Her revere gets broken by the howling of these drunk bastards some of whom have climbed the bar counter and are rubbing their body parts on the dancers. She too dances without a care but refrains to rub her assets on them like others. For her it's not she who is cheap it is them who are cheap.

 For her it's not she who is cheap it is them who are cheap

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Few keep notes inside her skirt , others inside her bra. They try their very best to reach her lady parts but years of training has made her  capable of dodging them .

She has mastered the art of seduction well and she revelled in the command she enjoyed over their lust. It gave her a god forsaken twisted kind of dominance and joy to know the fact that her body was her weapon. She extracted loads of money from them .
She was not a star of the show but certainly the most sane among the others who had blurred the lines of modesty and rationality in opium during the day and sex during nights.

It's not like she had many reasons of happiness even though how twisted and pathetic it was she revelled in knowledge of the fact that the work she had been forced and now accepted to do was a grave crime , a dagger aimed towards  modesty and manl...

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It's not like she had many reasons of happiness even though how twisted and pathetic it was she revelled in knowledge of the fact that the work she had been forced and now accepted to do was a grave crime , a dagger aimed towards  modesty and manliness for these bastards who paraded in their finest wares during the light of the sky and lived in a shameless illusion that it was okay to have sexual desire beyond the societal norms.

Many who worked along with her had so adjusted to this gutter that they didn't have a single speck of cleanliness on sight. But she had not forgot the morals she had grown with.
She could not practice them yet but she remembered and believed them.
Even though her body had been forced to this pathetic kind of slavery her mind was independent.

For her independence meant the belief that 2+ 2 =4 . She remembered it , yes she did remember it  whole heartedly.

The music ended and the time for the shift started . She caked and dolled herself waiting for a leech to come and deflower her . She always believed that virginity was not a woman's identity. She harboured the thought that untill taken with love and given willingly a woman's virginity , chastity and purity lied in her heart.

She had stopped grovelling over her cursed fate long time ago . She knew she had no escape from this place .
But she had taken it upon herself and made a vow to the only family she knew that she would not pass this legacy so disgusting to the only heart she knew.

Sarah,her name . It didn't sound as amusing to her as it did years ago when she had dreamt of family, love , children, wedding marches and her bridegroom. How ironic were those days and how senseless her childish fantasies now. She like girls of her age had spent days drawing their favourite wedding dresses, dreaming of their prince and not to forget the carriage . She chuckled remembering those.

Despite the darkness she still had reserved a slight corner for them in her heart when she saw her child dreaming those  wretched godforsaken and long broken dreams of her. Her heart swelled with love and fears because she knew that dreams can make a person 's life and their memories can break their hearts.
She has experience the heart break herself .

She had excepted a long time ago that a man's lust was never a crime in this world but the women forced to fulfill them were definitely criminals in the eyes of the society.
They had names attached to define their characters as if the society found it easy to brand them.

She had closed her ears to them a long time ago.

Passing the last dingly and dark street corners filled with robbers who knew better to fight with this cracked up woman she rushed to the shabby, dilapidated piece of mud and straw that held her most precious pearl , her heart , her Roma .

How was the second chapter guys?
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What are your views on sex workers in general?

How is Sarah's character?

Is she a strong  and independent female?

Do women always have to face prejudice in society?

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