Part Thirty-Two

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A/N: Okaaayyyyy!!! Well this took a little longer than i thougt it would! I would hope that you guys are enjoing my storryyyy!!! And i would always love a shoutout *Joey smakes my head because i sound greedy* OWWW!

Anyway. I would love those and also you guys should read my Soul Eater Boys x Reader! that I wrote! And while I'm at it, I have a Youtube channel and I post AMVs that i make and that sort of stuff~~~~~ And I can't waoit to cosplay as Mari! IMA GET BLACK CONTACTS TOO!!!


Mari: I'm in so much pain... my blood is ice and my heart in stone. All I want is the cold touch that is your kiss and the firey heat that is your passion.

-Please Stand By-

Mari held the jacket closer around her shoulders. "I don't want to be lonely anymore." She said.

Kidd pulled her into a hug with his good arm and ignored the black running onto his white shirt. "It's okay, Mari."

The adults gathered around them and a rapid stream of questions flew at them. Mari started shivering at the sound of the voices overlapping. She could feel the black blood sealing off the two jagged holes in her back but she felt the two scars forming. She started crying and wiped her tears away. The voices swirled around her and Kidd saw. He pulled her close to him and whispered something soft that she couldn't hear.

Mari looked up at Stein as he said something to her. She shook her head as a loud buzzing filled her ears. She looked down at her body, everything normal, but the three keshin eyes and the scars in her back.

"Mari!" Stein said and she gasped. "What happened with your mother?"

Mari started shaking. "I let her go..." she buried her face into Kidd's chest. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Spirit looked around, his eyes hard as he looked back at Mari. "How could you?" He walked to the broken chains. "Where are they?"

Mari began to shake harder. "I... I killed them..." The adults looked at her.

"You killed your own mother?" Marie asked. "How could you do that even if she was a witch?"

Mari stood, her legs trembling. She pointed to where blood was on the wall, her mother's blood... no. that monster's blood. "That monster wasn't my mom!" she screamed, Marie taking a step back. Mari held her arms, her lips beginning to quiver. "They hurt me. They turned me into a monster... you should just leave me here." She walked to the wall where the remains of her mother's blood was. She collapsed to the floor and stared at the wall. "You really should just leave me." She turned, looking back at them. "But... I don't want you to."

The light behind the door caused her not to be able to see the adults faces. She could see her friends though, and they all had looks of anger, distress, sadness, across their faces.

Death said something to Stein and Spirit and they walked to her. Marie had a look of pain of her face and she held a hand to her mouth as the two men grabbed Mari's arms and dragged her to her feet. Her friends made a noise as the two began to pull Mari out the doors and down the hall. Kidd was yelling after her but when Mari turned, a scared look in her eyes, Marie was holding him back.

Mari smiled, fear thick on her face. "It's okay-"

"Be quiet." Spirit said, cutting her off. The pulled her down various hallways, all lit with torches. Mari didn't say anything as they dragged her along. They finally reached a metal door and they opened it. She looked inside and saw a small bed in one corner and a desk in another, with one small window.

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