Christmas Party

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OhmToonz and H20Vanoss (A little Krii7y too)

WARNING: Mention of suicide and murder

A soft groan escaped Ryan's mouth as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked to see the source of what awoke him, finding his phone on the ground ringing. He groaned louder in protest as he slipped off his bed and grabbed his phone from the soft carpet beneath his feet. The flipped the phone around to reveal he was being called, and by none other than H20 Delirious. He quickly answered, knowing full well when Delirious calls him, it's important.

"Hello?" He asked shyly, not knowing whether he was in trouble or not.

"Hey! Ryan!" Delirious cheered, as happy as can be. A few giggles came from the other end as he heard the younger man yelling at someone. Knowing him, it was probably Vanoss.

"We're- ohmygod, Evan! Get Off!- We're having a christmas party." Delirious explained, seeming to struggle to get his boyfriend off of him.

"Do I even want to know what's happening on your end?" Ryan asked quietly, quite disturbed.

"Evan is just being clingy, anyways will you be there?" Delirious asked, very excited yet Ryan could still hear the eye roll.

"Umm... Why not? Sure." Ryan gave in, shrugging.

"Good! See you soon!" Delirious yelled once more before hanging up quickly.

Ryan smiled and shook his head, those two were always getting into something. They were like a dynamic duo, only much less in sync. Just two clumsy weirdos casually being in love. As Ryan changed into his clothes, he couldn't help but think back to Cartoonz. He hadn't seen the man in over three years. He blamed only himself after that, and even spiraled into a depression that lasted those long painful 3 years. All of their group noticed that Ryan was his usual angry yet happy self. He was closed off and sad, he hardly got sleep, and rarely recorded videos. The feeling of guilt ate away at him until he tried to kill himself two years after the incident. He still has the scars on his wrists and throat to match the story. He had never felt so lost. Then again he had messed up badly and because of that, Luke left. He hadn't talked to the group in those three years either, he just ghosted everyone. Just up and left, and Ryan felt responsible. He genuinely loved the man, but he was taken, and he tried to forget about that fact. Because he tried to forget, he said pretty rude things to the other man. He even temporarily stopped talking to him, and cut off all contact when he felt like everything was too much for him to handle. When he came back, it was too late. Luke had up and left, not even saying goodbye. The only person he's ever talked to since that day was Jon and even he couldn't get anything out of the older man. As Ryan finished getting ready, he was hit with a wave of memories throughout those painful three years. Tears started welling up in his eyes as he remembered his extreme lows. He had never taken so many drugs and drank so much in his life. He couldn't handle the feeling of guilt eating away at him, so he turned to very horrible coping mechanisms. He had come out of those three years as an alcoholic but he laid down the drugs and gave up on trying to get high.

He was startled out of his thoughts by his phone ringing once again, this time from none other than John. He had not known he even kept John's number or even had it, but he still picked up.

"Hello? John?" Ryan asked quietly.

"Yo! When are you getting here? Everyone's called you hundreds of times." John explained, despite being surrounded by friends and possibly even Jaren, who everyone knew he liked, he still sounded sad as fuck.

"Oh, I was taking a trip down memory lane, you know how that is." Ryan said softly. He had always felt like he could talk to John since the two have experienced a lot of heartbreak in their lives.

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