News Part 1 (Krii7y)

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He woke up to the cold chill of the slight breeze coming in through his large window, light blinding him as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He slowly made his way off bed just as Octavia ran into his room and up to him, wagging her tail like a mad woman. The young man giggled as his dog started to jump on him and lick his face furiously. He held her up and held her in his arms as he walked out of his room, down the hallway, and into his kitchen. His flat may have been small but it was beautiful and very modern, he loved the place and it was perfect for him and Octavia. He softly placed his dog on the floor next to him as he grabbed some of her food out of a pantry full of only her food, as to not mix things up. He filled her bowl with a dry and wet mix of food and took out some leftover steak from the night before. He wanted to give the girl a bit of it since she hadn't had the chance to have any since he had been too tired and just went to bed. Jaren put the container in the microwave and let it heat up as he made himself some cereal, watching Octavia for when she's done with her food. He smiled at the dog as he grabbed the steak from the microwave after getting annoyed by the beeping. He made sure it was a good temperature for her and put some in a bowl and set it down next to her. The dog immediately stopped eating her food and darted her head to the food bowl next to hers, full of steak, and looked up at Jaren as if asking for permission.

"You've been very good recently, go ahead." He ushered, and Octavia devoured the steak like it was nothing.

The young man laughed as he took his cereal and walked back to his room to check if any of the guys were on. He walked into the large room and over to his desk, where he sat down his bowl of cereal and turned on his PC. When the computer fully loaded up and turned on, Jaren noticed that he had hundreds of messages from Discord. He shook his head and smiled until something else caught his attention. There was a single notification from Skype. Only one. He opened the app out of confusion and was met with a message from his friend Anthony. He read it to himself over and over again, every time seeing to grow more confused and anxious.

Have you seen John recently? He hasn't answered any of us and we're all worried can you message him?

John? Not answering? That's not really new but it's concerning. He shrugged it off and opened Discord, where he found hundreds of notifications from almost all of his friends. All of them were about John. Holy shit, he thought to himself as he opened then all and read them. He jumped when his phone rang, but settled a bit when he heard the familiar ring of John's caller. He looked over at his phone and sure enough, John was calling him. He quickly snached up the small device and answered, immediately hearing the older man sniffling, he seemed to be crying.


"What happened?"

"I was making suicidal jokes last night and everyone got worried. I stopped replying because they were flooding my DMs..." John explained, fading out at the end of his sentence.

"Why are you crying?" Jaren asked softly.

"I was worried..."

"Why were you worried?" Jaren asked again.

"I didn't want to hurt you..."

"Can... Can you come over here? I know you're pretty far, but I need-" John said but was cut off by Jaren talking.

"Oh course! You don't have to tell me twice, I'll pack my bag and I'll be over as soon as I can. Okay?" Jaren spoke, softly and anxiously.

"Okay..." John mumbled as he hung up.

Jaren grew very anxious as he packed his stuff and bought the ticket. He was probably overreacting but John seemed more depressed then he had ever seen him.

||"Hold on John, I'm coming... Please don't do anything stupid..."||

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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