Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

*Friday morning after the argument with the twins*

The girls are woken up to the sound of loud banging on their front door.  Looking at the clock and seeing that it's 7am the girls groan and yell for someone to answer the door. The girls could hear their parents playfully fighting over who should answer the door.  The girls groan more and cover their head with their pillows. "Franklin! Please get the door!" The girls yell, just wanting to get back to sleep. Not sure if he actually heard them, the girls just listened for a minute.  Hearing the door open, the girls let out a sigh of relief and tried to get back to sleep.  As the girls were almost back to sleep they heard a knock on their door. The girls groan loudly as Tamaki pokes his head through the door. "What do you want cult leader?!" Kazuna asks not coming out from under the pillow.  Tamaki nervously asks, " do you guys want to come to a spa resort? It's a club trip." Izumi throws a pillow at him in response.  Tamaki shrieks and runs out.  "MOMMA! THE GIRLS ARE ASSAULTING ME!" Tamaki yells as he runs back to the living room to get Kyoya.  Kyoya sighs, gets up from where he was sitting and talking to their parents and heads to the room the girls are in.  "Ladiess~ How are we this morning?" Kyoya says sweetly to his best friends. "Awful." Kazuna says.  "Terrible." Izumi adds.  Tamaki pops back in and asks, "Why?! What's wrong with my beautiful daughters?!"  The only response he gets is two pillows thrown at him.  He immediately goes to a corner to sulk.  Kyoya sighs and asks, "What's the matter?" The girls sit up and ask, "do you really want to know?" Kyoya nervously shakes his head yes.  "Well to start off, we woke up at 4am with insane cramps and woke up again about an hour ago with niagara falls. So you tell me how you'd feel if you were us." the girls say together, scarily in sync. 

Kyoya just grabs Tamaki, and says, "We'll be leaving now. Get some rest and I'll keep you two updated on everything." Kyoya drags Tamaki out and shuts the door behind him, letting out a breath of relief.  The girls, now fully awake but not wanting to get up, text their parents to bring them food and to pick their pillows up when they come in.  Throughout the day Kyoya sends them texts about what is going on at the resort. The girls send dumb memes in response to keep Kyoya entertained.

*Time skip to end of day, after the resort*

After dropping the other hosts back home, Kyoya texts the girls that he and Mori-kuuuun are coming by with chocolate, ice cream and other snacks. The girls were in the living room waiting on the chinese food they ordered and put on  Harry Potter.  About 10 minutes after getting Kyoya's text the girls hear a knock on the door.  "Come in, it's open!" The girls yell, not wanting to get off the couch.  Kyoya and Mori come in and set all the snacks in front of the girls.  "We bring thine goddesses offerings of peace." Mori-kuuuun says, sleepily. The girls let out a laugh and grab the snacks.  Kyoya just sighs and goes to sit by Kazuna. "We accept thine offerings my good sir, but you must answer the door when the food gets here."  Izumi says, pulling Mori-kuuun onto the couch. The four just stayed cuddled up watching Harry Potter until the food came.  Mori-kuuuun got up to get the food, handing each girl their meals.  While eating, the girls kept quoting the movies, totally ignoring the boys.  "Neville, what are you most afraid of?.....P-p-p-professor Snape... Yes, he frightens all of us. Now I believe you live with your grandmother, correct? ....Yes, but I don't want it to turn into her either... Now I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes."  As Neville starts to describe her clothes the girls stop quoting the movie.  "Are you sure you guys don't want to pick a different movie to watch? You seem to know this one pretty well."  Kyoya asks. The girls turn to him and gasp, "Turn off Harry Potter?! Are you mad?!" Kazuna says, Izumi adds "what in the Death Eaters are you talking about?!"  The boys didn't know how to respond so they all just kept watching.  At some point the girls took some photos for their snapchat.

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