Chapter 4

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I ran into Michael's room and locked the door. As soon as the door locked, there was a loud banging on the door.

"Open the door Breanna!" Michael yelled from the other side of the door. I just giggled. "That's my favorite hat!" He whined.

I grabbed Michael's gaming DS card that saves all of his data for his games and stuffed it into my pocket.

"I will break the door down!" He warned. I decided I had caused enough trouble and unlocked the door. I opened it and put his SnapBack back on his head as I walked past him back downstairs. I walked with a smile on my face knowing Michael wouldn't know until he played games again.

"Why'd you have to do that? He gets so loud when he's angry." Ashton said.

"Why not?" I questioned with one eyebrow raised. Luke and Calum laughed as Ashton sat on the couch confused. I yawned and sat next to Luke as Michael came back downstairs.

"You tired Bree?" Luke asked.

"A little bit."

"I'm a little tired too, let's hit the rack." Calum said, getting up off of the couch. Ashton and Luke stood up too. I reached my hands up in attempt to ask one of the boys to help me up. Luke pushed my arms away and picked me up bridal style again. He lead me up to our room and laid me on my bed.

"Thank you again." I told him.

"No problem." He smiled at me before going to get ready for bed.

Calum walked in and gave me a hug while saying goodnight along with Michael right after. They went to their rooms as Ashton came in.

"Goodnight champ." He said and giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "I'm proud of you." He added before going to his room.

"Thank you. Goodnight Ash." I said.

I curled up under the covers. I remembered I had Michael's DS card in my pocket and got up to hide it in my makeup bag. Luke came back into the room in only boxers and shut off the light.

Luke walked up to me and engulfed me in a hug. "Goodnight Luke." I said into his chest due to the height difference.

"Goodnight Bree." He said and let go. I made my way to my bed as Luke made his way to his.

"Light off?" He asked.

"Yes please." I replied. Luke reached over to the lamp and turned off the light. As the darkness took over, so did sleep.


I woke up to yelling coming from downstairs. I looked over to Luke's bed and saw it was empty. I rubbed my eyes before getting up. As I walked to the door to go see what was going on I stopped to hear the conversation.

"Luke you don't even know her!" I heard somebody yell, it sounded like Calum.

"Yes I do! Why do you guys have such a problem with her anyway?" Luke replied.

"She's not nice. She hates us, especially Ashton and Breanna." Michael said.

I began to make my way downstairs. "No she doesn't! And if she does, then she'll just have to learn to like everybody." Luke said.

"Who?" I asked walking into the kitchen where the boys were. They all turned to look at me. Ashton, Michael, and Calum looked angry while Luke looked worried.

We all stood there in a moment of silence. "Go on. Tell her." Ashton said. We all directed our attention to Luke.

"I have a girlfriend." Luke said looking straight at me.

"Who?" I asked.

"Ellie." Luke said.

Ellie and I are no where close to friends. "Oh. Congratulations." I tried to pretend like it didn't bother me, but it really did. I wanted to be happy for him, but I couldn't. Luke would be dating a girl that hates my guts. I'm fine with Luke dating someone, but out of all people he picked Ellie...

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