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( I've never lived in a dorm so I'm just saying the room as it's shown on Roblox )

" and this is ware I spend most of my time " varian said showing her the science lab " oh yeah I have this class for fourth block " cass said looking at her schedule " wait did you say fourth block " varian asked in joy

" yes why "

" because I have science fourth block as well " varian said calming down " oh fun at least I'll know one person on Monday " Cassandra said in a teasing tone

That made varian laugh a little and cass smiled a little at his laugh. It went quite till varian continued " so let's continue shall we " cass nodded and soon they finished the tour

Later after varian stoped showing cass around they arrived at the dorm and the group was already there

" oh there you two are " rapunzel said as she sat the snacks down walking to them " yeah it took longer than expected " Cassandra said as they walked to the others

" hay varian come look at this " Eugene said showing varian something on his phone, after reading it they both started laughing

Cassandra smiled and rolled her eyes " oh come on let's git off are phones and actually hang out " cass suggested " we will cass hold on " rapunzel said as she scrolled threw her phone

Cassandra sighed and went to her room knowing they wad be on them all night and because she really didn't want to hang out tonight. later after almost falling asleep she heard a nock on her door

She answered it to see varian standing in front of the room " hay Cassie um everyone fell asleep and " " and let me guess your scared " cass teased

" what no I'm perfectly fine out here I just want to see if I can do my homework in here "

" varian I -"

" it's not a lot I promise " varian said holding his backpack. Cassandra sighed in defeat " ok come in " she said and he walked in " you can do it over there kid " she said pointing to the table in front the room

" thanks " varian said sitting his stuff next to the table

Cass laid on her bed trying to go back to sleep but couldn't. 2 hours later she stopped hearing noises from the table, cass sat up to see varian asleep on the table covered with papers and books

Cassandra got off her bed and got a blanket off her bed and put it on him . For some reason cass couldn't explain it but she had this weird feeling around him

She softly smiled, picked him up and him on her bed . Cass got her phone and took a picture of him then walked to the door and looked behind her , smiled and shut the door

Cass fell asleep outside with the others looking at the picture

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