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Cass and varian arrived in the ball room a little while later. They quickly saw raps and Eugene , and walked over to join them . The group was talking till rapunzel and Eugene's couple dance came on , and raps dragged him to the dance floor

Cassandra watched as she rolled her eyes with a smile, till someone tapped her shoulder .

She turned around to varian bent over with a hand out ." May I have this dance ma'lady " he asked

Cassandra hesitated, but soon smiled and took his hand then dragged him onto the dance floor. She pulled him close , and put a hand on his shoulders, as varian , put his on her waist.

It didn't fill wrong being as close to each other than they are . They were so close you couldn't see a gap threw them

The music stoped , but they were to stuck in the moment to stop .
Raps cleared her throat, and they quickly separated, turning red .

next thing they new they were in a crowd of students in front of the stage with rapunzel began talking into  the mic .

" well we have finally made it to the end of the big redo dance , and now I'm proud to pronounce the riffle queen and king " raps said opening the queens envelope .

" and now the moment we've all been waiting for, are Queen is ..... " she said pulling the name out  . Read it and it said her name , but thinking back the the last dance and everything Ruby and Diamond did she quickly lied

" Cassandra Moon " the blonde said proudly

" and the king ......" she said opening the kings envelope

Raps read it , but it read Eugene's name , so she quickly lied again " Varian James " rapunzel said with a smile

Cass and varian froze thinking back to the previous dance , but soon remembered who's fault it was , and quickly went to the stage

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