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"Master? Master, where are you?" Christina said as she walked through the cabin. M.J. had fallen asleep on her lap the night before after watching several horror movies. Her ears pricked as she heard a sound coming from the bathroom. When Christina opeNed the door, M.J. was leaning over the toilet.

She rushed over to her and held her hair back for her. As M.J. finished, she rested her head on her chest. "Master are you feelng alright?" she asked worrlied. "Christina, remember when we tried that experiment with Jacob?" "How could I forget that girly scream he let out when you hit him in the crotch." She said chuckling. "Yeah......It wasn't a failed experiment because now, I'm pregnant." "Really!" "Yes. Now if you excuse me, I'm going back to bed." She mumbled as she walked into the hallway and towards her room. "I can't wait!"

7 months later

"Here master, this should make you feel better." Christina said, handing her some medication. M.J. took it, wincing at the disgusting flavor that was supposedly bubblegum. Christina let out a sigh. 'What could be making her so ill?' She thought. Just then Jacob came in. "Hey can I talk to you?" "Sure."

Christina's POV:

"So what do you want to talk to me about?" I said. "Well its about the experiment. Christina, I lied. It wasn't your genetics I inserted into her, it was mine..." I froze in place. 'That means that they're his children M.J.'s carrying, not mine. Anger coursed through my veins. "And why didn't you tell me!" I snarled fiercely. "Why couldn't put mine in!" Jacob stepped backwards, thrown back by my anger.

"Christina, please calm down and let me explain!" "NO!" I snarled and swung my knife at him. It missed but he miss stepped and ended up tumbling down the stairs. He lay still at the bottom. 'Crap!' I quickly ran down the stairs and knelt down beside him. "Jacob are you ok?!"

"What was that?" I heard M.J. say from her room. "Nothing to worry about just get some rest. 'I don't need to stress her out about this.' I thought. 'I just hope I didn't get her curious.'

Jacob opened his eyes and looked up at me. He stared and me for a second before he showed a pissed expression. "The hell!" He yelled slowly standing up. "S-sorry." I stuttered, "I didn't know what got ahold of me." He glared at me then when back upstairs. "Where are you going?" I asked. He didn't say anything and continued going up the stairs. I sighed, knowing that I am now on his bad side.

The next day, 12:00 pm: "Catbug, have you any information about M.J.'s illness?" "No I haven't the slightest clue. I've looked all over but nothing matches her sickness." I leaned back in the chair. "Christina, you really need some rest." I glanced up at her. "Bruh, you haven't got a full nights sleep in 3 days. Plus you look as though you're gonna pass out any second." I stood up and looked into the mirror and saw how tired I looked. "If you don't get a good nights rest soon, you're gonna get sick and that's the last thing we need.

"You're right." I said, stifling a yawn. "I'm gonna go to bed. Just don't forget to check the medical wing every once in a while." "Christina I know what I'm doing. It's not like I've never healed anyone." I walked over towards the couch and passed out.

"Christina, wake up! Now!" I opened my eyes and was instantly face to face with Jacob. He was now wearing his mask but I could tell that he was annoyed. "How hard is it to wake up." I heard him mumble under his breath. "Well, I'm waiting to hear why you woke me up." "I think we should tell her the truth." "And why would we do that. Can't you just pretend that it actually was my genetics and not yours." For a second, silence split the air. A heart beat after, he grabbed me and pinned me up against he wall. "No, I can't. Because you don't get how long I have loved her. I loved her before you moved here. I was there for her every trip to the hospital. Every beating but does she care. No. Because you kept getting in the way!" His fist clenched around my throat, causing me to choke. I trashed at him, hoping that he'd let me go but it did absolutely nothing. I slowly started to see black around the edges of my vision. I closed my eyes, fearing that this was it when I felt him let go.

I layed on the floor, trying to catch my breath. My ears twitched as I heard footsteps. I felt someone wrap around me. I breathed in the scent and relaxed as I recognized M.J.. I felt someone pick me up. I opened one eye slowly, revealing Ellie. I looked back where I was to see Catbug carrying her back upstairs. Jacob was getting the crap beat outta him by Chris.I smiled before falling back to sleep, Knowing I was safe now.

"M.J.'s missing!" I stood up quickly. 'Oh please tell me I heard that wrong.' I ran to her room, only to find nothing. I scanned the room and noticed a small sheet of paper under her lava lamp. It said:

Dear whoever the hell is reading this,

I heard what Jacob and Christina were fighting about. I saw what they did to each other and I want to be alone. I'll come back but.....I'll hopefully have decided who I care about more. But at this point, I can't believe what those two have become. It scares me more that the creator or Lord Zalgo.......I promise I won't stay on the streets but I just need some time to think.......


I sniffled crinkling up the note. She said I was worst than the person who ruined her life. Only then did I feel the warm breath on my neck. I turned to see Jacob, tears falling from his eyes. "What have we become..." "The worst thing we could become, our demons."

He nodded. "We'd better find out where she went." We both walked downstairs only to see a wave of everyone in the house. "I guess we'll just call the people who she'd most likely be with in my room."

Several calls later: "That was the last person and they didn't see her either. I laid back and moaned. "Where could she be?" "Christina?" "Yes?" I said glancing away from the photo of M.J. and me at the carnival last year. "i'm sorry for what I did. i nearly killed you and to be honest if I had, I'd have never been able to live with the guilt. I just felt jealous that she cared more about you that me." "Jacob I forgive you. To be honest, the reason she focused more about me that you was because I nearly took my life and she was the only one who noticed something wasn't right. That's the only reason why she ever did..."

Cheyenne's POV: "Sorry I haven't seen her. Did you try calling Geoff?" "Yes but he didn't see her either." "Well, I'll call you if I see her Christina." "Alright." I hung up the phone and stretched only to feel a pair of arms wrap around me. "Who was that?" Adric asked curiously. " It was Christina looking for M.J." I said, unwrapping his arms. I then grabbed my coat and headed for the door. "And where are you going at night alone?" "I wanted to go get some milk so we actually have some for tomorrow." "Not alone when you're pregnant." he said throwing on his jacket." "And you're not going to cover your scars?" "Pfff, I don't care about it anymore."I smiled and grabbed my wallet and heading out the door.

"Man the city is like a ghost town at night." I nodded. Plus I got another coat so that I don't have to constantly repair the old one." "That's....." He was cut of by a whimper coming from the ally. "Did you hear that?" "Yeah. Lets go check it out."

We walked through the alleyway, careful not to step on anything. As we got closer to the end, I noticed a shape near the corner, shaking. After a few steps, I realized who it was and ran towards the shape. "Cheyenne what the heck are you think..." I turned around and he followed. When we reached her, I wrapped the new coat around her and hugged her close.

"Oh thank Darkcore you're ok." M.J. rested her head on me. I noticed how red her face was. I carefully placed my hand on her head and winced back as I felt how hot her head was. "Come on. Let's take her home.

"Christina?" "Hi Cheyenne. Let me guess, you wanted to see if she was found. Sorry but I still haven't got any news of her." "Actually, me and Adric found her." "Really! Is she ok?" "Well, she has a high fever but otherwise she's fine." "Oh thank Darkcore." "If you don't mind me asking, why did she runaway?" "I'll tell you later. But right now, I'm going to bed." "Alright, bye." "Bye."

I looked back at M.J., who was still awake. "Hey! Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" She looked up at me. "I get scared when I sleep alone." she said, shuttering. "Sorry, I completely forgot." Angles of Darkness never like to sleep alone because every time they do, they have horrific nightmares. I slid in between her and the couch. After adjusting myself, I wrapped my wings around her. Her head rested on the fluffy feathers and drifted off. I smiled and turned on the T.V., going through the DVR.

Gosh I have got to show you how all these characters look but i'm so busy!!!!! I'll write a description of them later. I hope you enjoyed. :)

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