shinso ending

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"i-i think i should go," y/n quickly said before standing up and leaving.

"shit," mina swore.

"you want to go after her?" shinso suggested. he was ready to throw himself under the bus. he doubt he would be the one winning in the end.

"no. you do it," mina sadly smiled. "i saw through the small interaction the two of you had. i think you won here."

shinso quickly nodded and thanked mina. she only waved it off and made him promise not to hurt y/n.

shinso made his way out of mina's room and made his way to the elevators, which y/n was waiting.

"you're just gonna leave us hanging?" shinso joked as a way to get y/n's attention.

once y/n turned around, shinso saw the stream of tears flowing down her face. shinso panicked and pulled her into a hug.

"i'm sorry i put you guys through this," y/n said in between her quiet sobs.

"we knew what were getting into, it was only natural that someone got hurt," shinso pulled away. "i'm just sorry that someone was you."

"shinso," y/n trailed off. shinso smiled sadly before he cupped y/n's face and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"don't do that, i might fall in love with you." the two teenagers laughed, but y/n meant it.

i mean, how couldn't she? he made her feel safe. not many people were able to do that for her.

"shinso do you think we can talk late at night again," y/n spoke quietly. she was terrified of him saying no.

"i can do one better," shinso said as he heard the elevator ding. "how about you sleep over at my dorm?"

"is that even allowed?" y/n questioned as the two entered the elevator.

"no idea. if i get in trouble, you're going down with me." shinso held out his hand in front of y/n.

she smiled to herself before taking it and holding it tightly.


last ending!


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