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•Kate's POV•

"Kate the movie is starting get down please" i hear my oldest brother Will yell from the cinema room 'uggggggg why do we have to do this' i ask to myself obviously i wold never say that to my brothers.

quickly i ran downstairs to the cinema room seeing that everyone is already there 'oh and no place for me... of course they just love to have me in their arms like a 5 year old' i say rolling my eyes internally on the outside i have my most genuine fake smile that is saying- i love you brother for keeping up with tradition-

i you're wondering why tradition is because for as long as i can remember my parents had this rules of family reunions:

- every sunday night: movie night, it always has to happen no matter what and no one can skip
- every wednesday night: family game night and is basically the same rules as movie night
- every day at 8:30 p.m: family dinner, every one has to be there no matter what, that's usually where everyone catch up with everything
-family meeting: it can be whenever, always in the living room, everyone has to be there, usually is used to make important decisions or if someone needs help or is in trouble
-boys meeting: only the boys can be there, it is used when something BIG an important happens to me, it has only happened one time

i mean that's a lot of family time, don't get me wrong i love my brothers with all my heart but to them i have to be "Kate: the angel, the perfect sister, the porcelain doll that can not be damaged nor tainted" and i'm definitely not that person i stop being that person a long time ago- 'i just don't want to break their hearts and-

my thoughts are cut by my brother Dylan picking me up and putting me on his hip
"are you good?" he ask me while walking to the couch "fine" i answer with a smile

"what are we watching?" i ask
everyone, after that everyone is just shouting what type of movie they want to watch
"scary movie"
" yeaah"
i just role my eyes 'why do they even try?' i ask myself knowing that Will will never let them watch something slightly scary while i'm here- that's a boomer i love scary movies my brother just don't know that

"you guys know no scary movies this is family movie night and Kate is here, she could get scare and have nightmares" just as predicted my brother Will cuts in
"what about comedy?" Dany ask, i just groan internally, is the same every week

they start by suggesting something that might "scare" me then someone suggest something that might "corrupt" my mind, my mind is already corrupted, an so on and so on until they finalize with a Disney

i love every Disney movie like the next girl but i'm fucking 17 for fucks sake they just don't get it

you might think i'm overreacting or something but if you'll understand eventually
so let's start by telling you a little about everyone and is my POV so girls first... ooh look i'm the only girls what a shocker -note sarcasm- guess i'll start:

Hi i'm Kate grey and i'm an greysaholic...
just kidding -lets start again-
Hi i'm Kate Grey and i have 5 overprotective brothers that don't know me at all- i have always been the naive, cute little sister, but when i started high school i learned a lot of things- not of school they teach nothing in there- i just realize that i didn't wanted to be that girl anymore, i wanted to be someone that i like and i tried keeping my family with that change but the second i change something about myself and my brothers saw you could had clearly saw how their heart broke through their eyes, when. they realized i'm not her perfect little sister anymore
so when they asked about i made up a lie a been lying a lot since then

currently i'm a junior and since i already basically told you like 3/4 of my entire life story i'll tell you a little secret, but my brother can not know about- well they don't know anything already- well i have a boyfriend and if my brothers find out out i'm even talking to a boy they would die
i don't know how the haven't sent me to boarding school already
his name is Grayson and he is the lacrosse team captain- i know that basically screams PLAYBOY!!- but he is really not that at first at thought the same but... but that story is for another time
i'll keep going...
my brothers weren't always like that i mean they always been overprotective but that just in their nature as big brothers i guess

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