= Chapter 6 =

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"Okay, tell me what happened in there earlier, Taehyung.", Namjoon calmly asked Taehyung as soon as they were out of earshot from the other members and staff.

Taehyung hung his head guiltily and began to fidget with his jacket. "I... I honestly don't know, Hyung. All I know is that I was waiting for all of you in front of the mirror and then I began to hear that voice in my head again. I must've blacked out or something because the next thing I saw was the broken mirror and my bloody hand...", he said, sounding confused and lost.

Namjoon looked at the young man standing in front of him, worried that he might need to see the therapist again. These past few years, the leader of the group got to know him better than the other members do, enough to know whether something was off with him.

"Then why couldn't we find you earlier? And why didn't you get your hand treated right away?", Namjoon asked. Taehyung bit his lip as he thought of how he was going to explain his little escapade to Namjoon.

"I went... outside for a short walk. And I didn't want anyone to fuss over me that's why I went alone and didn't get it treated right away", he explained.

Namjoon held his anger in check, he doesn't want Taehyung to see think that he can't tell him anything but he also has to know what kind of danger he could've been in with his reckless behavior.

"Could this be because I promised I'd take a walk with you? Look, Taehyung, I'm sorry. I didn't expect the shoot to take that long and I could've made up for it the next day, couldn't you have waited until then?", he asked bluntly. Taehyung's ears and cheeks turned red from guilt and embarrassment.

"I badly wanted to take a walk with you, Hyung. I really needed it... I felt as though I'm losing control of myself again...", Taehyung said to Namjoon, biting his lip harder and trying to stop himself from breaking down again.

The anger Namjoon felt earlier went away as quickly as it appeared and was replaced by concern and worry for Taehyung. If Taehyung feels like he was losing control, is he having a relapse again? Do we... Do we need to take him back to the therapist again?

"I'm really sorry, Taehyung. I didn't know you wanted to take that walk that badly but you have to understand that you should've at least informed one of the staff or took one of the guards with you. What if someone recognized you while you were out there, alone and unguarded? What if you were mobbed and got into an accident? What then, Taehyung?", he softly scolded Taehyung. He wrapped his arm around Taehyung's shoulders and brought him closer to his side.

"I hope you could understand why I'm being this way, Taehyung. I just hope you'll take note of it next time, okay? Now, let's get your hand treated.", Namjoon told Taehyung. Taehyung nodded and let out a breath, feeling more at ease now

Namjoon led him back to the dressing room, where the others were simply just eating the food prepared for them while waiting for the vans to arrive. Namjoon immediately asked Jin to patch Taehyung's wounded hand up and went off to change his clothes. While Jin was patching up Taehyung's wounded hand, he kept his other hand in his pocket and felt the keychain he picked up earlier.

He took it out and looked at it. He felt bad for not returning it to the girl earlier but for some reason, the keychain made him... calm? It looked like a white flower but it had a hint of pink in it. "Hyung?", he called out to Namjoon who was just done with changing his clothes.

"Hm? What is it, Taehyung?", Namjoon asked and sat down beside him, noticing the keychain on his hand."Do have an idea what kind of flower this is? It looks like a Lily but I don't think it's a Lily...", Taehyung asked Namjoon, gesturing to the keychain.

"Oh, that's a Carnation. Where'd you get that keychain?", he asked Taehyung, looking up what a Carnation means on his phone.

"I picked it up earlier when I was taking a walk. What does a Carnation mean, Hyung?", Taehyung inquired without taking his eys off the keychain.

"It's said here that the Carnation can mean different things. A white Carnation symbolizes untainted love, a light red one symbolizes deep love, a striped Carnation symbolizes regret that a love cannot be shared while the pink Carnation can mean two things-", Namjoon read off of Woogle.

"There we go, Taehyung-ah! All done! Next time, be more careful, okay? If you need any help, Hyung will do it for you, okay?", Jin told Taehyung as he was cleaning up.

"Ah! Thank you, Jin-Hyung!", he told Jin and gave him one of his signature box smiles. Jin smiled back at him and proceeded to join the others as well.

Taehyung looked at the keychain again and noticed that it had a hint of pink in it and immediately recalled that Namjoon hasn't explained what the pink carnation means.

Looking around for Namjoon, he spotted him trying to wake up Yoongi who was fast asleep. He tugged on Namjoon's shirt and asked him, "Hyung, what does the pink Carnation mean?"

After hearing Yoongi grumble a bit signifying he succesfully woke him up, Namjoon gave a satisfied nod and faced Taehyung with a soft smile on his face.

He took out his phone and looked up what a Carnation symbolizes again. "Let's see... The pink Carnation symbolizes two things: a mother's undying love and...", he trailed off.

"And what, Hyung?", Taehyung looked at him, eager to know what it means.

"The remembrance of the deceased."


Double update~! Because why not?

Have you guys also noticed the little tiny easter eggs I've been dropping around and about? You should take note of them, they might play a bigger role in the story than you think ;)



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