= Chapter 1 =

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Silent murmurs. Clacking keys. Whirrs of another article waiting to be approved and published. I stare hard at the screen in front of me, thinking of a way to improve the article that was due in an hour. It was supposed to be easy. Supposed to be

All I had to write about was Granny Park winning the rice cake competition in town. Nothing too elaborate, just about her winning the competition for the 15th time in a row.

Isn't there anything else I can write about other than Granny Park's wins? The only changes I ever get here happen to be when a cat gets stuck in a tree and the local firemen rescue them or when someone else rescues the cat stuck in a tree.


Same old story like always. And yes, for your information, I am a journalist. I work for a small company in Daegu, reporting about the local happenings in the Dong-gu District. I graduated in journalism in Daegu University and got the first available job which happened to be here too.

I was hoping that I would get a job somewhere in Seoul, far away from home but it seems that fate enjoys playing with me. Instead. I've been stuck working here for almost 4 years.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you almost done with the article? Its almost 4'o clock... The boss won't be happy if you ask for an extension again, y'know", Da-Hee asked me. She began working for this company three years ago and we've been friends ever since.

"Yeah, I'm just going to type a few more lines and I'll be done by then. Do you want to grab a cup of coffee after I submit this?", I offered without looking away from the screen.

"Sure, our usual coffee spot like always?"


After I typed in the last word, I quickly scanned the whole article making sure there were no errors and immediately printed it for submission.

"I'll be right back. It's already 3:55PM and I only have 5 more minutes before the boss loses their head again.", I told Da-Hee without even looking at her. I ran as fast as I could to the stairs leading to the upper floor, knowing that waiting for the elevator might take up more of my time.


Noticing an intern struggling with a set of boxes stacked on one another, I swiftly avoided them and made my way through the hallway leading to the boss's office.


I stopped in front of the door and composed myself. Breathe in, breathe out, rinse, repeat. I checked my white nautical striped sweater and blue skirt for any wrinkles or dirt to buy myself more time to calm down. After being sure that I was calm and composed, I knocked twice making sure that he wasn't busy.

"Come in."

I grasped the doorknob, plastered a big smile on my face and poked my head in.

"Hey, boss! I finished the article on Granny Park. It just needs your approval." Ugh, suck it up, Y/N. You can't show them that they're more superior than you. They have no power over you.

"Ah...Miss Y/L/N! Is it ready? I would like to see it.", he said to me. I entered his office and placed the printed document on his desk. Afterwards, I stepped back a few inches away from the desk and waited for him to dismiss me.

He took the document and took a glance before flipping it to the next page, looking as if he was deep in thought. Honestly, I can tell you barely read a single word of my article like always. Why don't you just approve it and dismiss me already?

"Well, like always, Miss Y/L/N, you've done an exceptional job with your articles. We'll have it published immediately tomorrow...", I restrained myself from letting out a sigh of relief and waited for more instructions from him. He stood up and walked to the window looking out the street below.

"I almost forgot. I'm sure you've all been informed that Mrs. Park Cho-a was going to be transferred to one of our partner companies in Seoul. Unfortunately, she had a change of heart yesterday and declined our offer to transfer her to Seoul. We've discussed this with the other board members and we've decided to send you instead to Seoul, Miss Y/L/N. Will you accept the offer to begin working in Seoul?", he said without turning around.

Did I hear that right? Me? I've been chosen? To go... to Seoul? The place I've always thought was out of my reach...

I took a deep breath in and held my chin up like a proud tigress and said, "I will gladly and humbly accept this offer, boss. I won't let this company down."

"So eager like always, Miss Y/L/N. I'll be sad to see you go but I know your talents will just be wasted here in Daegu. You were and always have been the best employee in this company, along with Miss Lee Da-Hee, but something tells me something far more greater awaits you in Seoul. We won't have time to hold a farewell party for you but I do wish you the best of luck in Seoul, Miss Y/L/N.", he told me sincerely. I held myself back from tearing up. He may have been harsh with us sometimes, especially with me, but I know he was just doing it as our superior and for our best. I never really thought he had that much faith in me.

"So, I guess that means you'll give me a bonus instead?", I joked. He chuckled and shook his head. "You know very well that wouldn't be fair for your co-workers if I gave you one. You should go now, Miss Y/L/N. I'm sure you'll want to inform Miss Lee Da-Hee too since she's been your junior since she began working for us."

"Yeah, I guess I should, boss. Thank you so much, boss, for everything."

"You're welcome, Miss Y/L/N. Now, go before I give you some last minute work before you leave." I immediately left his office and ran off to our usual coffee spot to meet up with Da-Hee and tell her the news.

I can't wait! I'm going to begin a new life. Goodbye, Daegu. Hello, Seoul~!


Annyeong, lovely reader~!

Just here to tell you that the picture above is what Y/N is wearing and I'll add a picture of Y/N's outfits at the beginning so that you guys have an idea and that I love you so much and thank you for reading my book. If you added it to your library, thank you~! If you liked it, thank you~! I'm still nervous about the feedback on this book...


On the other hand, I do accept book cover requests if you guys want a personalized book cover for your stories ^^ I'll go hide in my corner now and go stream Dynamite on Spotify and YouTube again. Please do look forward to the next chapter of this story!




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