Chapter 10: Did I hear him right?

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(Aries POV)

I went over to Easton and knelt in front of him. I saw him getting teary-eyed and my heart broke for him. I pulled him for a hug and he rested his head on my shoulder while I rub his back. We pulled away and made eye contact.

"What happened?" I asked.

He just stared at me and shook his head. "It doesn't matter anymore. It's over, I am finished! I will not be able to skate for our university." He said in a shaky voice. "Hey, don't lose hope, I'll help you." I said.

He looked at me with an intrigued look.


"You're gonna have to tell me first what happened." I said sternly.

"Let it go, Aries!"

"You want to skate don't you? If you don't tell me what or WHO is the cause of your accident, I will not help you and believe me, with my help, you'll be skating again in no time." I said with my anger building up.

"Um...those...two..." He stuttered.

"Those two jerks who harassed you in the rest room!!" I asked in disbelief and he slowly nodded. I looked down and pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. "I'm sorry, I should have been there to protect you!" I said.

"Aries, don't blame yourself. It's not even your fault. You can't be a guardian angel all the time." He said.

"Well...anyway, my uncle is a physical therapist and everyone recommends him for patients with fractures and conditions that are similar to yours. He is efficient and I guarantee you that he'll not just get you walking, but he'll also get you skating in no time." I said. His eyes then lit up with excitement and hope.

"I would love that but I..."

"Don't worry about the expenses, I'll pay for them." I assured him.

"Aries, you don't have to! This is too much!" Easton said in embarrassment.

"I don't mind at all, it's you!" I said.

Easton looked deep into my eyes before wrapping his arms around me and gave me a massive embrace.

"Thank you!"


(Easton POV)

I am on my wheelchair right now in the living room with Aries. He is sitting on the couch beside me while Clingy hopped on my lap and started licking my face. She does this whenever I am sad or quiet. She probably noticed my mood and wanted to cheer me up. I smiled at her and patted her head. It was pretty silent and Aries decides to speak up.

"Easton, are you okay?"

"I guess." I said.

"Don't worry, I'll call my uncle tonight so we can schedule your therapy sessions with him. Trust me, in 2 or 3 weeks, you are going to be able to go to your rehearsals again." He said, trying to comfort me.

"Thanks...I....I am just worried because championships is two months away and I really need every single day to practice. Knowing that I cannot practice in the succeeding days and realizing that a lot of time is going to be wasted really disheartens me." I said.

"Hey, that's why I am here. That's why I am going to do everything I can for you to get better." He said, looking at me with certainty and confidence. My hope and positivity is now starting to boost up because of Aries.



"Why do you care about me so much?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Easton, I really like you." He said.

The moment he said that, butterflies started emerging in my stomach and I started having goosebumps. I looked at him dumbfounded and pleasantly surprised. He was looking at me with complete sincerity in his eyes. I cannot believe it. The feeling is mutual all along. I could literally die in happiness right now. Without a second thought, I cupped his face with both my hands and attached my lips to his. His lips is so soft and his breath smells like strawberry and mint combined.

I think my heart is screaming right now in joy. Suddenly, I realized...I did not even ask Aries for permission. How stupid of me! I pulled away with a shocked look and Aries began to open his eyes with an "Is there something wrong?" expression.

"I...I am sorry, Aries! I...shouldn't have done that! I..."

Without any warning, he pulled me by the back of my head and attached his lips to mine. I groaned in surprise but in less than a second, I began responding back. My hands held his face while our lips continued moving against one another. We kissed passionately and after a while, we pulled away and tried to catch our breaths. I looked down to see Clingy obliviously playing with her pastel knot on the floor.

"That was incredible." Aries commented.

"It is. I am so...speechless. I keep telling myself that I don't stand a chance with an attractive school star like you. I thought you must have a very high standard and that's why you'll never like me." I explained.

"I do have a very high standard and you're the only one who met that standard." He praised and my heart fluttered with what he said.

"Easton Moore, will you be my boyfriend?" Aries asked straightforwardly.

WHAT? Did I hear him right?

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