Chapter 22: How can one be this lucky?

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(Easton POV)

As the successor of the Avani's, I proudly handed the ownership to Aries because I know he has more of a clearer background knowledge when it comes to businesses more than me and he has my full trust.

Anyway, it's my birthday today. Aries and I decided to celebrate it at Amour's, in which I am totally excited about. The food I had there was excellent, the service was fast and it's definitely a fine dining restaurant I would definitely be glad to eat in over and over again.

"Sir, we are here at Amour's." The cab driver said. I paid him and I got out of the cab before making my way towards the restaurant. I went inside and saw my boyfriend at a table patiently waiting for me.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Hey there, birthday boy!" He said as he stood up to kiss me on my cheek before pulling the chair for me like a true gentleman he is. Once I sat down on it, he pushed it forward in a gentle manner before returning to his seat.

"Are you ready to order?" He asked.

"Yes, I am very excited. Whatever I had last time when I was here, that's what I'll order." I said.

"Alright then." Aries replied. He then called a waiter for us to have our meal served. I'm really looking forward to spending the rest of the night with Aries. It's been a while since we last dated.


"Did you enjoy the two courses?" Aries asked.

"I really did, it was delicious." I replied.

"Good, let's wait for the dessert!" He exclaimed. Suddenly, our waiter came out of the kitchen with a tall-looking dish. I tried to figure out what it is and as it arrived on our table, excitement and delight filled my entire body. It is a cream puff tower with a candle on the very top.

"Happy Birthday!" Aries greeted me. I tried to stifle my excitement-filled scream by covering it up with a huge grin. "Thanks Aries! Wow, this is really amazing." I said.

"Come on, funny boy! Make a wish already." He said. I stood up and closed my eyes to make a wish before blowing the candle out.

"Aries, let's dig in already!" I said.

"Sure thing." He replied.

We then started to peel off the cream puff one by one from its tower before munching on it. It is so flavorful. I can really taste the vanilla bean in the Chantilly cream inside. The pastry itself is golden brown and crunchy. It is very appetizing.

"Do you know the correct term for this dessert?" Aries asked.

"It's cream puff tower, right?"

"It's actually called Croquembouche." He said.

"Oh...I have never heard of that word before." I said in a confused tone, which made Aries chuckle. Aries and I just kept on munching on the cream puffs until there is only one left. Aries took it and brought it on my plate. He then handed me a small knife.

"Slice it."

"Why?" I asked.

"Just slice it, Easton." He said.


I sliced the cream puff and I felt something hard inside it. I picked it up and then it hit me, it is a beautiful...diamond ring. I gave him a surprised look before he took the ring from me and wiped it with his napkin. He then stood up and began walking towards me. He knelt and asked me something I can never imagine him asking me in a million years.

"Easton Moore, will you marry me?" He asked. I looked around to see some customers looking at us with smiles on their faces. I feel so special and loved right now that it made me cry. I stood up and looked at Aries in the eyes.

"Yes!" I said. The customers then started clapping for us which is absolutely unexpected. Aries took my hand and put the ring on my finger before standing up and kissing me on the lips.

This is something unimaginable. My heart is beating so fast, I feel like fainting. Aries David has so many tricks up his sleeves when it comes to romance. I love him for it. Gosh, how can one be this lucky?

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