Chapter 19: You are in love with my target.

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(Aries POV)

I woke up, seeing the other side of the bed empty. Easton must have been making breakfast. I looked in the corner of the room to see Clingy still sleeping. I dressed up and decided to go downstairs to help Easton. As I was down, I noticed that the mansion is quite empty. The guards aren't here and so is Easton. I started to get really nervous. I roamed around the mansion to look for Easton but instead, I saw my guards shot dead on the floor.

FUCK! It's my fucking dad!!

I went down the basement and what I saw made me tremble in fear and anger. I saw Easton lying down, with duct tape covering his mouth, ropes tied around his ankles and wrists. I hurried and untied the rope around his ankles. Once it was undone, I started going for the rope around his wrists. However, I suddenly heard a gun cocking sound near me. Easton's eyes widened and a tear dripped down his cheek.

Little did I know that my own father is pointing his gun at me. I slowly turned my eyes to him and he is smirking at me.

"I knew you were hiding something all along and it's this! That's why you couldn't do the job that I was asking for. Because you are a faggot and you are in love with my target." He said.

"Let him go!" I sneered at him.

"Why should I do that?! Do you know how much money I will have if I kill this bitch? His father is the owner of the Avani's. The only way I can have it is by killing his only blood relative left. Killing his father isn't enough, it has to be him as well." He responded. I looked at Easton who is sobbing and staring at me in pain and hurt. He shook his head repeatedly after finding out the truth and after he found out that it was my father who murdered his.

My heart broke at the sight. He will hate me now, for sure, especially with the fact that I knew and I never told him.

"That's right, kid! I murdered your father. I bet my son never told you, huh? By the way, he is a former assassin as well but he's just too much of a coward. That's why he never went on to continue that profession of his. He is a killer. You are dating a killer. You are dating someone who is associated with your father's killer. How fucked up is that, right?" Dad taunted Easton and it made my blood boil.

I am so angry right now. I am so angry that all of a sudden, red is the only thing I see. I ran to my dad and tackled him so it can give Easton a time to escape. My father and I had a fist fight while I glance at Easton to see him struggling to stand up. What did this son of a bitch do to my funny boy? It infuriated me even more that it caused me to have the upper hand in our fight.

(Easton POV)

Fucking asshole!

He pointed the gun at me and made me go to the basement. When I was going down the stairs, he then kicked me making me stumble all the way down. Luckily, it's not as bad as my first fall but it still hurts. I still remember the lighter is in my back pocket. My hands are tied but I still did my best to reach for the lighter. As my fingers are able to grab ahold of it, I immediately placed it on my palm and started pressing the spark wheel. As soon as I heard a click and a presence of heat from behind, I positioned the lighter parallel to the rope, hoping the flame would rip it. After a two minutes, I finally broke free of it.

"EASTON, RUN!" Aries yelled. I feel reluctant leaving him but I know I have to get help. I ran upstairs but my leg still hurts. I limped all the way out when suddenly, I hear someone firing a gun at me unsuccessfully. I looked behind to see Aries' dad with a bloody face.

Fuck! What did he do to Aries? Is he okay?

I know that I have to get out of his sight to avoid getting hit by the bullet so I ran to the forest, hoping he would lose track of me. I ran and I ran until I tripped.

"Ah!" I screamed in pain. I then heard footsteps behind me. I turned my head around to see Aries' dad, cocking his gun and pointing it at me.

"Such a shame that Aries won't get to see this!" He said. I closed my eyes in anticipation of the worst. He was about to shoot me when we both heard low growling. I looked around and my eyes landed on the mother puma that I saw yesterday. She was growling at the asshole and she was crouching, in preparation for her attack. She then jumped at him and started mauling him to death.

"Ah!!" He screamed. Blood splattered across the snow while I watch in terror and fright. I don't know what to do. I was dumbfounded and stunned when Aries arrived. He then fired his gun upwards to scare the puma away. After she flees, Aries looked at his father's corpse before wiping his tears away. He then looked at me in the eyes with an apologetic look before looking away.

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