Truth Or Dare

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Let's start with the game of Truth or Dare. Most of the teachers were absent today. It was me, Emma, Mark, Zoey, Jake, and Molly. Jake spun the pen. The nib pointed in my direction. That meant I had to do/answer. The opposite side pointed towards Zoey.

"Truth or Dare Adrian?"


"Here's your first dare:

Dare 1 - Lick the blackboard from one end to another.

Dare 2 - Announce to the class that you're gay.

Dare 3 - Propose to anyone here other than me."

Dare 1 and 2 were tight. Dare 3 was easy. If I propose to anyone in this game, that can quickly be gone. So I proposed to Emma.

"Emma, I like you. Ever since I saw you, It was love at first sight. Will you be my girlfriend?" I said, trying to make it as cheesy as possible. But when I proposed, it felt like I was doing it for real. I was hoping for her to say yes even as a joke.

"I'll think about it," She said, chuckling.

Zoey spun the pen this time. The nib pointed at my direction again, and the opposite side pointed towards Jake.

"Truth or Dare?" He asked.

"Dare," I answered.

"Hmmm. Here are the dares:

Dare 1 - Let someone from this group draw a mustache on your face.

Dare 2 - Open the window and throw your id cardholder or lanyard.

Dare 3 - Throw your pouch to anyone."

I chose Dare 3 again. But I should've chosen wisely. Throwing that pouch created a huge fight. Soon, paper balls, erasers, and pencils started flying here and there. Soon, Mrs. Boris came in, hearing the boisterous class. She was a calm teacher who didn't like to punish anyone. "Children's plays," she would say when she came across such situations. She politely asked us to remain quiet and left. We did so for 5 minutes. After that, a new phase began. There were some leftover charts in the corner. We cut 'em and rolled them to play sword fight. It was fun, but after a while, it got boring. We continued our game. I spun the pen this time. The nib pointed towards Emma, and the opposite side pointed towards Mark.

"Truth Or Dare," He asked.

"Truth," she answered.

"Hmmm. Let me think." He said.

"We don't have the whole day, Mark. Just ask something," said Molly.

"Okay. Fine. Emma, Confess your crush to us and we promise not to reveal it to anyone else,"

"No. I don't have a crush,"

"There's no point in lying, Emma. Tell us," Mark said. She kept denying it. This went on for a long time. Finally, Mark changed the question to something else.


The bell rang, and Mrs. Boris had the next class. We settled down. After the class, Jake called me.

"So... Adrian, you wanna talk about your proposal?"

"During the dare?"


"What about it?"

"We both know it was real."

"What? No. Never. Emma is a good friend,"

"Dude. I'm your best friend. There's no use in lying."

"Fine. I like her. But please don't blabber about it to others.

"Don't worry. Do you think about doing it for real?

"Actually, yes. I thought of proposing to her after the game. But I couldn't. I was scared if that would ruin everything."

"Hmmm. Okay," 

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