Me And You

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Emma and I used to sit on the hostel rooftop and stare at the stars and never got tired. This was her favorite place. We used to come here when we dated. Now, only I come here to be alone and with me, a smuggled bottle of beer. This started the day I returned. I would often cry, thinking about how everyone enters my life and leaves shortly afterward. On some nights, I would remember her beautiful memories from the past, and sometimes, I'd remember the decisions that I regret making which led me here. Sometimes, Jake accompanied me. I looked at the stars and would blame The One Above All for doing this to me. I would tell him that I loved Emma and would do anything to take her back. I used to think that If we crossed paths again as lovers, I hoped to find her happy. After all, that's why she left me.

One day as I was continuing my routine, Emma walked up from behind me. Jake called her and told her about this.

"Adrian, what is wrong with you?"
"Nothing. And why do you care?"

"Just tell,"

"Alright. You wanna know, here it is. I cared for you. I loved you from the day I arrived like nothing else... But my only problem was not showing it. When we broke up, I tried to do whatever it takes to get back again. But you resisted. And each time you kept quiet, It broke my heart. But then, you wanted to be friends and I was okay with it. But when you proposed to me on the bus, You don't know the pain I endured to reject it---"
"Why didn't you accept?" She asked.

"I-I was scared. I was scared that we might lose what we have of this friendship. Besides, I want to ask. What is so great about Luke? What does he have that I don't?"

"Who's Luke?" She replied.

"What do you mean who's Luke?"

"Ohh. That Luke. My cous---" She said speaking like she found the answer to a forgotten question and then forgetting it again.

"Emma. What is it that you're not telling me," I asked doubtfully.

"I guess it's time. I was faking it with Luke. He was my cousin from abroad who came to study here and we never dated. He was happy to help when I told him about it. Think about it. Have you seen Luke and me dating once? We would tell that but then go in our separate ways later,"

"Why? Does anyone else know about this?"
"Zoey does. And so does Jake. I did it because I know you loved me. I wanted you to accept it,"

"I do love you. And I always will. And what I said before was not because of the beer. I meant it. I rejected you on the bus because I feared that our friendship will be gone once more,"

"Promise me that you won't leave my side even if it means risking our friendship," said Emma.

"I promise. It's Just Me and You,"

We hugged. I wanted to scream out in joy. My heart was at its highest form of happiness. We then sat down and she stared at the stars.

I thanked Him and apologized for blaming Him before. I tossed the bottle in my hand vowing to never drink again.

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