🌨🔥 Todoroki Shoto x Reader 💞

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Guess whos birthday it is :')
I'm officially 16. Wow.

No one's p.o.v
Todoroki had always been a loner. In school he didn't have many friends and after he graduated he continued to live a pretty lonely life.

Dates were always an issue because he didn't like socialising with anyone who wasn't his family.

On the last day of november,todoroki received news that his mother was in the hospital. She had gotten really sick. He visited her a lot but she only got worse.

And when she died,todoroki's loneliness got worse. He stopped leaving his house unless it was to go grocery shopping,he no longer met with his siblings and just generally stopped seeing anyone.

His sister encouraged him to go to a library where he could read and relax whilst in the company of books and being the nice brother he is,he decided to take that advice.

He walked,looking at all the genres and books.
What would he read? He didn't know. He just needed a distraction from the grief.

As he picked out a book,he scanned the front cover.

"Shakespeare's not bad,but I would advise you to read something that's not written in giberish."

He turned his head,meeting eyes with you.

"What would you recommend then?" He asked.
"Maybe dickens. The Christmas carol is a good classic. If you want to read something whilst taking a bubble bath then that is the one to go with."

He chuckled. Already he knew you'd be quite the character.
"You have a good eye for books." He said.
"Well considering I spent my entire life around them,that's a given."
"Your entire life?"

"Mhm." You walked with him to an empty table and sat down,"my parents loved reading so they built a library in our house. Then when I was born I spent most of my time with my mother and she loved reading books to me. It was how we bonded."

"That sounds lovely."
"It was. But eventually a bird has to leave the nest. So now I have my own library at home,I just need good books to fill it."
"I don't read a lot but my sister recently advised me to because she thinks I'm too stressed."

"Are you?"
"A little."
"..My mother recently passed away. And I suppose I just haven't been able to cope with it."
"Oh I'm sorry." You put your hand on his shoulder,"why don't I treat you to something? Coffee? Tea? Ice cream?"

"That's not necessary."
"Come on,its the least I could do."
He thought for a second,"okay."
You smiled.

You spent the entire day together. Finding out about his past,his family,school. You were intrigued by the stories of his childhood.
And quite frankly he was intrigued by yours.

Similarly to him,you didn't have many friends. You just preferred books and the characters in them always felt like friends to you. You'd always imagine yourself being in the book with the characters and going on all sorts of adventures.

As the day continued,todoroki actually took a liking to you. You were so positive and bright. And you were very much like his mother.

Your smile was contagious,your cheeks turned red when you received the smallest compliment. You were just nice to be around.

Near the end of the day you were at the park,feeding the ducks and talking.

"So do you have a girlfriend?" You asked him.
He smiled,"no,I don't. I've never thought of someone in that way."
"Ah,I see."
"What about you?"
"Well being the person I am,I usually bore people. As it turns out,not everyone likes to listen to my rant about books."

He chuckled,"I like it. You're very passionate about books.. Its cute."
You felt your cheeks grow red,"n-no its not."
"It is. I like that you have an interest in reading. It makes you very imaginative."

Your cheeks just got more red as he continued to compliment everything you thought was a flaw. When it got dark,he insisted that he walked you home - in his words,he didn't want to risk you getting in trouble.
You agreed and as you walked with him,you continued to talk about your love life.

Neither of you had ever been in a serious relationship and neither of you knew what it meant to be in a serious relationship. Yet you were very eager to find out.

You opened the front door and turned to him.
"Thank you for today."
"What are you talking about? You invited me." He laughed.
You smiled,"I know,but thank you for agreeing. I had a really nice time with you."

"I did too. I don't think I've ever spoken to anyone for this long."
You chuckled,"well I'm glad I took you out of you comfort zone. You need to try new things,meet new people."
"I think meeting you is enough."

You both laughed.
When the laughter died down,you kissed his cheek.
"Thank you for walking me home,todoroki. I'll see you at the library tomorrow."
"Absolutely." He smiled.

You walked into your house and closed the door,leaning against it whilst still smiling madly.

Todoroki's p.o.v
What is this feeling?

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