🖌 Momo yaoyorozu x Reader 💔

384 11 7

Felt like writing angst

No one's p.o.v
"Good morning!" You said,opening the door.
She was still laying in bed like she normally did. Her body was stretched out,covering the whole mattress.

She always got up late.

"Wake up!" You chuckled,nudging her.
She groaned and turned around.
Her alarm clock went off and she flinched.
"Christ,is it morning already?"
"Sure is,sleepyhead." You smiled.
She got out of bed,her hair messy and tangled.

She always woke up so grumpy.

She walked down to the kitchen and made her morning cup of coffee. Youd memorised it. 2 teaspoons of sugar and a dash of milk.

She always needed her coffee perfect.

She scanned the fridge and pantry for a quick breakfast. Something light and quick she always used to say. Nothing heavy otherwise she wouldn't be able to work properly.

She always ate little nowadays.

Her phone rang and she ran to pick it up.
"Who is it?" You asked.
"Hey mom." She said.
"Ah. Tell her I said hi!"
"Yeah I just woke up." She continued.
You shook your head.

She always pretended to not hear you.

She talked with her mom for a while,walking around the house and doing random chores. She picked up the dirty clothes off her bedroom floor,cleaned the kitchen counters,dusted the shelves and made her bed.

She always fussed about keeping things clean.

After her mom hung up she sighed and went to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and took a shower. You patiently waited for her to finish,sitting on the couch and looking at her family pictures.

She always took long showers.

After she was done showering she got dressed then dried and put her hair up.
"Why do you only put you hair in a ponytail?" You asked.
She sighed when yet another hairband broke.

She always managed to break them.

She grabbed her bag and looked in the mirror.
"You can do this. Just go to work,do the paperwork and go home."
"You got this!" You smiled widely.
She walked to the front door. You stood there,arms wide open to give her a hug goodbye before she left.

Your eyes widened and you nearly fell back as she walked straight through you. You dispersed into mist which then came back together to form your body.

Silly you. Did you forget?

You don't exist.

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