Chapter 5: ''Goodbye Paw Patrol''

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Ryder POV
Why is my life sucked!? Katie means everything to me, I just wanna die. And when I will die, I would leave Chase as leader number 1 of the Paw Patrol. I'm sick of my life. Anyway, I get off to the Lookout and I see Ace Sorensen in front of me.

Skye: ACE !!!!!!

Skye pounces on Ace and licks her cheek.

Ace: Hehe I'm glad to see you too.

Me: Oh Hi Ace!

Ace: Hi Ryder, I came to spend time with the pups.

Me: Uh ... can you keep them, please? I have to go somewhere.

Ace: Uh ... No problem.

I leave the Lookout. I'm going in the direction of ........ I don't know!Somewhere far away to kill myself with a knife!

Chase POV
It's been 15 minutes since Ace joined us, and she's already annoying me. I mean Skye ignores me when there's Ace. I see Rocky, Rubble and Zuma talking.

Me: Hi, what are you talking about?

Rocky: We were talking about Ryder.

Zuma: For me, he's the best ownew ever!

Rubble: And the owner who often gives pups treats, Hehe...

Me: Yes, you are all right. Ryder is the friendliest of all, he will never leave us.

Speaking of Ryder, I think back to the first day I saw Ryder ...

Flashback, Ryder POV
I walk down the street, before I see a little German Shepherd, he's so cute! I want to adopt him, but I think he already has an owner.
Me: Hey hi! You are cute!
Chase: Hello?
Me: AHH !! You speak!!?
Chase: Uh .... yeah, like everyone else.
Me: Uh .... Do you have an owner?
End of Flashback, Chase POV

Best owner!
I go up to the Lookout to see through the telescope if there is a problem in the city. And I see a note.

Hello pups, I am leaving you, I mean I am leaving this life.

Chase, you're my favorite, and I left some memories of the two of us in your puphouse, and you're now the leader of the Paw Patrol. Don't forget to give Rubble some pups treats, hehe. Tell Katie that I love her, and wish her a good life with Danny.

Marshall, You are the best firefighter I have known, despite your clumsiness, you are the bravest of the team. Never argue with Chase, he's like your brother.

Skye, ....

And he continued with all the pups.I let a tear run down my cheek.I frown, and I say:


All the pups: Chase? needs us!

Ryder POV
Goodbye cruel world. Goodbye Paw Patrol! Goodbye Katie. I hate my life!

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