Divine Intervention

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The Doctor

"I told you we were not getting another cat."

My sister shrugged, the cat, Divinity or something, jumping out of her bag to follow her as she started to walk out of the console room. "You say this like you don't keep on bringing home strays, and at least this one doesn't have fleas. Besides, this is my TARDIS, if I want a cat I can get a cat, you're not really in a position to be able to stop me."

"We weren't getting a new cat because for all we know it won't work the same way that it used to!" I called, getting up to follow her as Amy just got confused by what the hell had just happened. Her bag was actually bigger on the inside, that was how the fairly large half Maine Coon cat had managed to fit within the small black canvas satchel, but I did worry that one day she was going to push even that limit with the amount of books she carried. A bag of holding only went so far. "Elizabeth, it's an Earth feline, not a Gallifreyan one."

"It's an aura thing, Doctor. I've written several thesis' on how the way time moves around Time Lords alters the lives of felines from any world, often causing their bodies aging rate to slow in tandem with their owners. It's why Witches always had familiars, because they were basically bound to one another." Divinity was happily plodding along the TARDIS corridors with my sister, who was still absently changing the will as she went, making me jog to be able to keep up. "Either way, Divinity was a stray, she's never had an owner hence why she hasn't been neutered and at least this way she has a home and relative safety."

Did she not understand a word I was saying? Had she deliberately uninstalled the translator for Earth English, just to annoy me? "Sister!" She stopped as I swapped to our native language, something we never spoke together, though I had heard her singing to herself some nights, songs that I had once sung to her when she woke up from nightmares as a child. Pre-Initiation Elizabeth, who had just the basics of psychic abilities and could actually hear, for want of a better word, silence. "That was when we were still connected to Gallifrey. Do you not remember how heartsbroken you were over the loss of our last cat?"

She locked her eyes on mine, turning to my pale green before I quickly locked her out so they turned back to her deep blacky brown. "I remember Lima perfectly well, Doctor. I was the one who held him as he passed of old age, at two hundred and fourteen. If Divinity lives half of that lifetime healthily, then I'll be happy. Besides, I asked her and she agreed that she just wants to have a warm place to sleep and regular meals that haven't come out of a trash can. This is about more than just my wanting a cat, isn't it?"

Even without telepathy, she knew me well. I hated that she knew me so well when I barely knew her at all. Hell, River Song had proven time and time again that she knew more about my baby sister and we still had no clue as to how or why she knew LizBeth so well. "You always want a cat, and I knew it was only a matter of time before you got one. But just recently you've been keeping secrets, hiding your face, not telling me anything when I know that something is bothering you more than ever before. Tell me."



There was a door slamming as the one to her garden quickly shut behind her and Divinity, so I went to run after her before it locked. Only to just open it now into a storeroom full of spades, trowels and her kneeling board. "Are you two fighting, again?"

I turned to see Amy stood there, holding the now catless bag. "What do you mean, again? We don't fight." She scoffed, rolling her eyes as the ever sassy Scot. "We don't!"

"Oh, yeah, sure, you don't fight and I'm Gwyneth Paltrow. You and her fight like chalk and cheese, but you're siblings, you're supposed to." We had never fought like this before, not like recently. She was keeping something from me and I didn't like that, not when the last time she kept something major from me it came out that her husband, my best friend, was beating her practically to death, and the death of her unborn children. "Just let her have the goddamn cat, she's cute and maybe having a pet will help you both bond a little more again."

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