My Everything

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Please, for the love of the Stars, someone stop my brother from being such an idiot. Whenever he tried to pilot the TARDIS, he somehow got us into these sorts of messes, while I could quite easily get us to Rio and avoid all sorts of hassel like this. Where I ended up about three quarters of the way to the Earth's core by the humidity and trapped heat, which was obvious due to my stupidly curly hair turning into an afro. Oh, and strapped to some sort of exam table, which honestly, could have been worse, to be honest. 

"Don't struggle." The man beside me, Mo, a Dad who loved his son and was scared he'd never get back to his family, whispered. "Close your eyes and don't struggle."

"Well, I don't need to struggle, but thank you for the advice. What exactly are they going to try and do to me?"

His eyes were wide. "Decontamination, they call it. They did it to me while I was conscious." I raised a scarred eyebrow. "Dissected me."

Explaining his own scar, sternum to naval. It was a clean cut and incision, at least it would heal well and probably fade to almost nothing with little help. "Ah. I'm good, don't worry. They won't get that far when it comes to me."

Now the Eocene, or Silurian if you went by the stupid companion who got it wrong, came towards me with a scalpel. "He's coming. I'm sorry. I wish I could help you."

"Who asked for help?  Excuse me, I think you'll find that-"

All he was doing was making audio notes, not even listening to me. "From the clothing, the human female appears to be more resistant to the cold than the male."

"Okay, a, I dressed for Rio, and b, I'm not human. Did you not even think to check my cardiothoracic system? My brain patterns?" 

The clamps got tighter, so I rolled my eyes and just let him get close enough for me to easily get in his head. Contact was always easier, but I could do it through sight if I had to. "Decontamination complete." Decontamination? Well, the explained why I felt sick and the room was spinning slightly, but at least I kept hold of enough bacteria to keep me alive. Last thing the Homo Reptilia needed was a Time Lord corpse. "Commencing dissection."

Luckily I didn't even need to interfere much, because a tannoy sounded. "Area Seventeen incursion. Species diagnostic requested. Area Seventeen incursion. Species diagnostic requested."

Malohkeh ran out, so I simply freed myself. "Impeccable timing as ever, Big Brother." Then freed Mo, just touching the screen nearest me to get the base layout of the city. Okay, this place was big, even knowing where I was going it was going to take a while to track wherever it was that they took the Doctor. "How did you do that? What did you mean cardio whatever? You're an alien, like this lot?"

"Too many questions, not enough time. So, quick version. I'm Professor Elizabeth Caine, not human, but I am telepathic, telekinetic, and basically a walking computer. I'm also the only one capable of getting you out of here, so, follow me and I'll get you back to the surface."

So he started to follow me into the corridor as I followed the map in my head. "That creature, do you think it was an alien? Any more of them, do you think? Do you think the Earth's been invaded?"

"No, they're just your precursors. Who do you think really built some of the chalk hills and such? My brother is down here somewhere, I can hear him but I'm trying to programme the fastest route in a mind that is still waking up from the decontamination process." I then stopped, getting a likeness to Mo in a nearby room. "Oh, no. I'm sorry."

"What? What do you mean, why are you sorry?" I hit a button to show his son within a stasis alcove, body utterly still and aging slowed to the point that to him he'd only left the surface a few seconds ago. "Oh, my God, no. It's my son. It's Elliot. What've they done to him? He's in there. We have to get him out. Elliot? Elliot, it's Dad."

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