chapter 16

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--Izukus pov-- 

I pick up a sleeping chibi and place him on my hip, and grab my suitcase with my other hand. This was so much easier with Hitoshi. I feel bad for shouting at him. Deciding to leave a note for him in the shop I hop into the taxi and make my way to the airport. 

"Mommy" I hear a quite voice coming from my lap "Where are we?" 

"Good morning baby" I give a quick peck on his forehead "We're on our way to see daddy" 

"Mm okay" he snuggles back into my chest and goes back to sleep. 

~on the plane~ 

I look out the window and sigh. I don't even know how i'm going to start off this conversation. Do I tell him I know that the interview was a fake? Where is chibi going to go? He loves Shoto but he doesn't know it's his dad. Am I going to move to Seoul? Just leave Hitoshi, and mom? UGH I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE. 

Nothing is decided, I'll go and talk to Shoto. I love him. I don't know if he still loves me. Maybe we'll get back together, and we'll see where it goes from there. I look over and see chibi starting to wake up. I ruffle his hair as he rubs his eyes. 

"Hi baby" 

"Hi mommy! Are we almost there yet?" he says almost jumping out of his seat. 

I chuckle "Yes baby, I think we're going to land soon" 

"Mommy, mommy look" chibi says climbing onto my lap and pointing out the window. 

"Hm? What is it" I look out the window and see the airport. 

"Is daddy going to be there waiting for us" he says looking at me. 

"I hope so baby" I really hope so. 

"When I see daddy I'm going to punch him and then we can go hug him okay?" he grabs my cheeks. 

"Why will you punch daddy" Poor Shoto

"Because he made mommy cry"

"Aww baby it's fine now" I pull him into my chest and squeeze him tight. Yup everything is  going to be fine. 


"W-what was that?" The whole plane shook and everyone started murmuring. It was probably just something small it's fine right?

*BEEP* "Hello this is your captain speaking, unfortunately our landing gear isn't deploying like usual please prepare for an emergency landing. I repeat cabin crew please prepare for an emergency landing" 

"M-mommy" chibi sniffles "are we going to die?" 

I pull him closer to my chest "no baby, you know why? Because I'm here" squeezing him tighter I say "I'm not going to let anything happen to you" Please let everything be okay. 

At this point the whole plane starts to shake and people start to shout and some even start to pray. I hold on to chibi as tight as possible making sure he doen't get hit by anything but a sudden jerk causes everything to shift making my head hit against the window. 

"MOMMY!" is the last thing I hear before everything turns black. 

--Todorokis pov-- 

"Come on, come on, come onnn" I say yelling at the cars in front of us. 

"You know yelling at the cars won't make them move" my manager chuckles. I cross my arms and roll my eyes "Plus Midoriya's flight hasn't even begun landing yet" 

"Yeah, yeah I just want to surprise them" I say looking out the window. 

"And you will. I'll stay in the car you go and get them" finally pulling into the airport I jump out and rush inside. 

I find a small cafe inside order some food for Izu and chibi and sit down waiting for their flight to land. 

~time skip~ 

It's felt like hours but I'm pretty sure it's been 45 minutes. I keep opening and closing all my apps trying to find something to distract me but so far nothing is working. I sigh and turn off my phone. 

I get up and start walking around looking for something to do while I wait. Walking around I saw a bunch of people huddling around a flight screen. Must be tourists. I didn't really think much of it until two women fell down crying while others started to run off somewhere. I was about to go check what was going on when the intercom came on. 

"Flight number 221 from Musutafu, Japan is currently under supervision, all passangers are being transfered to the hospital, if you are here to pick a passenger from this flight please make your way to the hospital located on the first floor. thank you." 

I started running towards the hospital. Musutafu? Izu? Chibi? No it can't be their flight. Right? 

Just as I reach the hospital on the first floor someone calls out my name"TODO"

I turn around to see my manager out of breath. I stare at him with my mouth open, trying to form words but nothing coming out. 

"I heard the announcement" he says out of breath "lets go, they'll be fine" 

Taking a deep breath I walk inside the hospital and am hit with a wave of noise. Nurses and doctors running around everywhere. Some people had a few burns and scratches while others had broken their bones. But none of them were the people I was looking for. 

Walking up to the counter I shakily ask "W-where are I-izuku Midoriya, a-and Mamoru Todoroki?" 

Typing something into the computer she frowns. Tears already start building up in my eyes. This can't be good. 

"Unfortunately Mr. Midoriya had many injuries and is currently in the ICU. Mamoru Todoroki had no major injuries just a few cuts, he should be in the waiting room on the second floor"

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