chapter 10

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--Izukus pov--

WOAHHH. Seoul is so pretty. Shinso, and I decided to explore the city a bit since Shoto didn't answer my calls. Again. But the food is so good, I almost forgot about it. The streets are filled with men and women. Not to mention their outfits are so cute. Chibi is really excited too. He doesn't get too see groups of people too often as most of the time he's in the shop with Shinso and I or with mom upstairs. 

We come across a building with a huge crowd in front of it. I wonder what's going on. Maybe  some type of entertainment? Maybe a celebrity?

"OH Oh what if they have food?!" I exclaim. Oops I said that out loud. 

I hear Shinso chuckle as we walk towards the crowd. 

"Last question please. Mr. Todoroki is quite busy"

"Huh" Shinso and I say at the same time. T-todoroki? N-no way. S-shoto?!

We walk around the crowd to look at whats going on. 

On the big screen I see Shoto in a suit with his hair back with his manager and another person sitting next to him. Aww I wanted to see him in person but this is nice too. He looks HOT. 

"About your scandal with Ms. Yaoyorozu, is it true? Are you in a relationship with her? Or was she just some fling? Do you have a lover?" some reporter asked

....I-  "Hey petal we should leave" Shinso says pulling at my sleeve

"No no it's fine" I say with a smile "I haven't seen Shoto in a long time, I wanna see him even if it's only on TV"I also want to hear his answer. Will he tell them about chibi and I, or will he just say he has someone he loves? I'm getting kind of nervous. 

"....No the scandal was a misunderstanding, Ms. Yaoyorozu and I have been close friends since college" I let out a sigh of relief. Ok he isn't too bad. "And to answer your second question, no I do not have a lover, nor am I in love with anyone at the moment. Thank you that is all the questions I will be taking today" 


My mind goes blank, my ears start making a ringing sound and the only thing I feel is chibi's breath against my neck. 

"...petal?" I feel my body moving but I can't bring myself to move my eyes from the TV screen. The crowd starts to thin out as the interview ends and different commercials start to play. Shinso seemed to be shocked, he kept glaring at the TV with his eyebrows furrowed. I grab onto his sleeve trying to get his attention. I don't trust my voice right now. 

"Petal, you okay?" he asks softly lifting my chin so my eyes meet his. 

I shake my head. I just want to go home. 

"Let's go back to the hotel alright?" I nod, he takes my hand and starts to lead the way back. 

--Todorokis pov--

"UGGHHHH" I yell as I throw another stack of papers against the wall. 

"What! What happened, did someone break in!" my manager storms into my "office" if you can even call it that. 

"Nothing it's just so much work" I say slamming my head down on the table. 

"Well maybe if you told us you were going to hangout with your college friend none of this would have happened" he says picking up the pieces of paper that are spread across my office. 

A few weeks Momo contacted me saying that she saw me at the airport and wanted to catch up. Of course I wanted too, she's the one who helped me get with Izuku. But being a new trainee/singer for ****** corp isn't something light. Apparently I was being followed by a reporter and he got a couple snaps of Momo and I hanging out. To make it worse I told my manager I was going to stay home and work on songs all day. 

Of course my manager tried his best to take down the articles but the producer said it would be better just to have an interview and clear it all up. With that came a bunch of paper work. I was so busy for the past few weeks I didn't even get to call Izu. 

"You know tomorrow your boyfriend is coming right?" my manager slamming the papers down on my desk again. 

I turn my head to the side. "Yeah but I'll have to meet him after the interview" 

"Mm" he hums "and make sure you chose a discrete location, if words gets out that you met with a boy none the less with a CHILD. We're done for" 

"Yeah, yeah I get it" I smile thinking about Izu and our little chibi. I wonder how much he's grown.

~after the interview~ 

"Great job" my manager says as he pats me on the back. 

"I feel bad saying I don't have a lover though. I just hope Izu doesn't see it" I sigh. 

"Wait" my manager stops walking "You didn't tell him about the interview? Or the scandal?!" 

"W-well no, because I don't want him to worry, he's really emotional and since we're far apart it doesn't really help" I say rubbing my neck. 

He hits his hand on his forehead. "You're so lucky you're hot and can sing". Sighing and mumbling something across the lines of "What am I going to do with this boy" he walks away. 

Pulling out my phone I see another miss call from Izu. He must be here! I try calling him but it goes straight to voicemail. His phone is off? That's weird, he never turns his phone off. Maybe his location is on, I can get an idea of where he is from there. 

"Musutafu, Japan" I whisper to myself. H-he's at home? He didn't come? Why? 

I notice that he posted something on his story. Clicking on it, tears started forming in my eyes. 

The video starts off with a purple haired man walking up to something. 

"Hey chibi" he coos. Wait chibi? As in my chibi? 

"How's my little chibi?" Instead of words I hear baby noises, Mr. Purple moves a bit and I can see a puff of white hair. That's my chibi. I can feel the tears threatening to fall down. He chuckles and starts tickling chibi all over. They both start laughing and after a while Izu joins in. I haven't heard him laugh in so long. When was the last time I made him laugh? 

Suddenly Mr. purple turns around and raises his eyebrows in surprises, and then he winks. WINKS! AT MY IZU. He starts to walk away when chibi grabs onto his sleeve and coos. 

"Aww chibii, I won't leave you"  he coos as he picks chibi up and walks away. 

That's when the tears start to spill. My back hits the wall as I start to slide down. Of course he wouldn't come. I left him. I left chibi. I left my family. 

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