Pool Party

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(Lauren's POV)

(Lauren's POV)

I was awoken by a screaming Camila.  I rolled out of bed and walked  to my closet. I was pushed out of my closet by Mani who was screaming about Demi Lovato.
Lauren: "What about Demi Lovato?"
Mani: "Oh hey, Sorry We are going out for coffee with Demi Lovato."
Mani: "Really Dinah was supposed to."
Lauren: "We both know Dinah she forgets important things in 2 seconds."
Mani: "True." I quickly rushed into my closet and pulled out a pair of high-waisted pants and a black crop top. Mani and I rushed out of our room and ran to the rest of the girls.
Ally: "Lauren you look like you just got out of bed."
Lauren: "That's because I did."
Ally: "I thought Dinah told you to get up at 8."
Lauren: "Nope she forgot."
Ally: "DINAH!"
Dinah: "I'm sorry damn, maybe you should have asked Mani. She's the one who shares a room with Lauser."
Ally: "That's true but you could have called her or texted her." Dinah just rolled her eyes and walked away. Ally must have seen it because her mouth dropped and she chased after her.

Incoming Call- Simon Cowell
(Bold Lauren, Simon Italics)
Hey Demi Lovato will be picking you guys up in 30 minutes to go out for coffee
Ok i'll tell the rest of the girls
Ok thank you have fun
*Calls Ends*

Ally: "Lauren god is listening!"
Lauren: "Sorry mom. Anyways Demi is picking us up in 30 minutes to get coffee."
Ally: "Ok."
Camila: "AHHHHH i still cannot believe that we are hanging out with her."
Dinah: "We literally hung out with her 2 days ago."
Camila: "And?"  Dinah let out a deep sigh before walking away from Camila. We all sat down while we waited for Demi. I was scrolling through Insta while waiting for Demi. I was stalking my favorite singers. I'm literally obsessed with CNCO (So that's the band the guys are part of, the real CNCO does not exist in this story. Also Some of the songs will be One Directions songs, so CNCO is the "One Direction" of this world.) Dinah was the one who introduced me to them. I went to one of their concerts with her and I fell in love.
Dinah: "Who knew Demi Lovato had such foul language."
Demi: "Oh hush Dj. Now we are going to get coffee and yall are going to meet CNCO."
Lauren, Dinah: "Shut Up."
Demi: "I see yall are fans."
Mani: "I don't know about fans, they are more obsessed."
Dinah: "Shut up Mani."
Demi: "Well this should be interesting." I couldn't believe that I was going to meet CNCO. Dinah and I shared my ear buds and we were blasting their first album "Take Me Home"  (Skip the meet part y'all already read that.)
We were on our way to Demi's house when Dinah and Zac started a roast battle.
Dinah: "OH hush no one likes you."
Zac: "Zayn does."
Zayn: "No I don't." Ally and I both started to laugh while Zac sat there with his mouth open.
Zac: "Stop laughing shortstack and greenie."
Lauren: "was that supposed to be your insult to me, because if it was it is terrible."
Zac: "Yes because your green eyes are gross and disgusting."
Lauren: "At least i dont have pooped colored eyes."
Zayn: "She's got you there Zac."
Zac: "shut up you blue eyed freak."
Demi: "Ok that enough you four. Zac say sorry to Lauren."
Zac: "Fine, I'm sorry Lauren."
Demi: "Lauren."
Lauren: "I'm sorry too Zaccy."
Zayn: "HA she called you Zaccy."
Lauren: "Don't worry Zay Zay I got a nickname for you too."
Zayn: "Uh don't call me that."
Dinah: "Awe does baby Zay Zay not like his name."
Zayn: "Listen you giant, Zay Zay is a terrible nickname."
Demi: "OK JESUS STOP WE ARE AT MY HOUSE, GIRLS GO CHANGE IN MY ROOM. BOYS YOU WILL CHANGE IN THE GUEST ROOM. I WILL BE OUT AT THE POOL NOW GO." We all got out of the car and ran into the house to get change. I was tying my top when Dinah came over to me.
Dinah: "Hey Lauser, do you think they don't like us and that's why they are being like this." Before I could respond Demi came walking in.
Demi: "For some explanation, the boys are not being like this because they don't like you. If anything they all came clean to think you all are cool, and sweet sometimes. So when you guys go into these battles they are not being mean, they are joking with you." We all just nodded our heads.
Demi: "I have tanning oil and sunscreen outside. The boys are already out in the pool."  I quickly tied my top and walked out with Dinah. We all put on tanning oil and sat down in chairs to tan.
Zac: "What the hell, you guys are supposed to be swimming not tanning. Well the only one who needs to tan is greenie."
Lauren: "Thanks for the compliment Zaccy, you could use a tan yourself."
Zayn: "HA, she's not wrong." It felt like an hour went by before we heard another by start talking.
Zayn: "Yo it's been like an hour, when are you people going to get in."
Lauren: "When we feel like it."
Zayn: "Dang the amount of attitude."
Lauren: "Now we are never going to get in." It went quiet, I was confused at first but I didn't really care. A couple of minutes went by. I was calm and relaxed until I was being picked up. I opened my eyes to see Zayn carrying me over to the pool.
Zayn: "NOOOPEEEEE."  He threw me into the pool but I grabbed onto his hand before he could let go so he came in with me.
Zayn: "Well that didn't work." I just started laughing. He splashed water in my face, making me shut up. I glared at him before swimming toward him. He swam behind Zac so I just splashed Zac in the face with water.
Lauren: "Yeah you're blocking Zayn."  I gave him one final splash before swimming to the other side of the pool. The girls were just laughing and staring at us. The guys looked at each other and got out of the pool. Dinah and Normani both got up and started to run. Camila tried to run but Alex picked her up immediately and threw her in the pool. Ally didn't even fight it, she just let Will pick her up. He didn't really throw her, instead she just dropped her in the water. Normani ended up surrendering to Zayn and just jumping into the pool. Zac was still chasing Dinah. Dinah pulled a spin move causing Zac to fall back into the water.
Dinah: "HA, Guess whos-" Zayn came up and pushed her into the water.
Dinah: "-Dry. I hate you."
Zayn: "Welp now it's Demi's turn."
Demi: "Nope, Do not touch me."
Camila: "You're supposed to be swimming with us."
Demi: "No, Im super-" Before she could finish her sentence Zayn picked her up and threw her in the water and then jumped in.
Demi: "-Supervising."
Zayn: "Well now you can supervise from the water." We swam around for another 30 minutes before getting bored.
Zac: "This is boring."
Zayn: "Dude it was literally your idea."
Zac: "Shut up Zay Zay." We all just sat and watched Zayn drown Zac.
Mani: "Demi aren't you supposed to make sure no one dies."
Zayn: "FINE."
Demi: "Good now does anyone want to go inside?"
Dinah: "Yeah."
Mila: "Yeah."
Lauren: "Yeah"
Mani: "Sure, What would we do though."
Demi: "We could watch a movie, or we could watch the boys box each other."
Dinah: "BOXING, sorry i mean i want to watch Zayn kick Zacs ass."
Zac: "More like Zac kick Zayns ass."
Zayn: "In your dreams Zaccy."
Zac: "Oh yeah, let's put on the gloves then."
Zayn: "Ok. Bitch." We all got out of the pool and ran inside. We all were about to sit on Demis' couch until she yelled at us.
Demi: "UH NO, All of you go change now." (Skip the fighting. I'm too lazy to write that.)
Zayn: "I won."
Zac: "Fine, but I was trying to impress Dj. So you were supposed to let me win."
Zayn: "She seems like she has no interest in you at all."
Zac: "I hate you."
Zayn: "No you don't."
Camila: "So it's midnight, are we sleeping here or are we going back to our hotels."
Demi: "Oh right, back to the hotels we go." We drove back to the hotel, it turned out CNCO was staying at the same hotel as us. I still couldn't believe I met them. Let alone exchange numbers with them. Dinah and I ended up watching a movie with Zac and Zayn. We watched The Conjuring, I'm not going to lie I did get scared and grab onto Zayn... on accident, or on purpose, but anyways I enjoyed the movie. It was 3am when I got a text from Zayn.

Zay Zay- Hey i just want to let you know that when we make fun of you we dont mean anything.
Lauren- It's fine lol, we don't mean anything we say either.
Zay Zay- Well we leave tomorrow at 8am don't be late, Steve doesn't like it when we are late.
Lauren- Wont be late.
Zay Zay- Goodnight Greenie.
Lauren- Night Zay Zay.

Dinah: "What are you smiling at?"
Lauren: "Nothing, go to sleep."
Dinah: "Don't lie, I know you're talking to Zayn."
Lauren: "Leave me alone, and I know you're talking to Zac."
Dinah: "Ok i think it's time to go to bed."
Lauren: "Exactly."

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