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*Four Months Later*

(Lauren POV)

Lauren: "I don't want you to leave."

Zayn: "I know, i don't want to either but i have to." Zayn proceeded to kiss Laurens cheek and hugged her one last time before walking away.

Dinah: "Y'all are too cute, it's gross." Ally slapped Dinah's arm.

Ally: "It's ok Lo, he will be back." Everyone wrapped around me while I sobbed. It was a long drive back to the hotel. I couldn't stop thinking about all the possibilities that could happen to Zayn.

Normani: "Are you ok Lo?"

Lauren: "Why did he have to leave? I miss him so much and he hasn't even been gone a full day yet."

Normani: "It's normal to feel this way Lauren. I felt the same way when Erin left, the pain of them leaving will never compare to the happiness you feel when they return."

Lauren: "What if he doesn't come back?" Normani frowned at me and sat with me on my bed.

Normani: "Don't think like that Lauren, he will be ok. It's Zayn, he knows that he has to come back."

Lauren: "I guess you're right." Normani got up and grabbed my hand.

Normani: "Come on, we are going to watch a movie with the others." I couldn't help but smile at Normani, she cared so much and it made me feel so much better.

(Zayn POV)


I took a deep breath before boarding my flight. I couldn't believe my dad would do this. The flight was full of young nervous people. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through instagram. I saw a photo of all the others. Lauren was smiling. I'm glad she's having a good time, I don't want her to worry.

*Skip Flight*

I walked off the bus and saw a bunch of people in camo doing workouts and shooting guns. Soon that was going to be me.

Sargent: "Alright welcome to the army. Most of you probably don't want to be here. Being in the army isn't bad, it's the thought that you could die any moment and being away from your loved ones. If you get past these thoughts you will make it out alive, and you will live to see another day. Any questions?"

Soldier: "Uh how long do you think we will be here sir?"

Sargent: "When you speak to me you state your first and last name. I believe you guys have a 1 year contract." (A/N i have no cue wtf you call them.)

Soldier: "Sorry sir my name is Bradley Simpson.. The singer that is supposed to be dating Lauren Jauregui." The thought of him being with Lauren made my blood boil, I hated the way he talked and smugly said that. I wanted to punch that stupid smirk off his face.

Sargent: "I ask for your name, not about your fantasies. Now do 40 push-ups." I wanted to laugh but I also didn't want to do 40 push-ups. (Skip 2 Months)

I was in the middle of an interview when I heard running behind me. I turned around to see the other soldiers grabbing their guns and running towards the tanks and helicopters. I quickly got up from my chair and ran. I didn't know what was happening all i knew was that i was about to fight in a war.

(Lauren POV)

It has been 2 months since Zayns been gone. Some days have been rough, and some have not. We were on the bus watching the news. I heard the words, "The US Army is now entering war with Iran." tears sprang into my eyes. This was it he was going to war, and he could die. I felt the girls rush over to me. They were saying things but I couldn't stop replaying those words in my head.

Ally: "Lauren its ok Zayn knows he has to come back." They all shook their heads in agreement. He has to come back, he can't die. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

Lauren: "You're right he has to come back." (Day Later)

Simon: "I know you all are concerned for Zayn. I am too, but Zayn is tough hes going to make it back. I will receive weekly updates, i'm not allowed to share them with you unless they are bad. Also we would like to plan a tour with you, and mahogany Lox, and Demi. But only if you guys are up for it." All the girls turned to me waiting for me to answer.

Lauren: "Um, yeah. I think it would be good for me, and I would love to go on tour. So i don't mind."

Simon: "Alright, are the rest of you okay with that?" The rest of the girls nodded their heads.

Simon: "Alright I would like you guys to meet with Demi and Mahogany today to discuss your setup and then you will all meet with Will to discuss the dates."

(Skip 4 months, Zayns POV)

We were still in battle, I was clearing a bunker with Jake Stern. Him and I became close friends.

Jake: "Alright we should split up and search the rooms." I nodded and headed to the left. I cleared the first room and there were two little girls. I sat there with them until my sergeant came to get them and lead them to safety. I was walking down a hallway when I heard a loud bang. I ran into the room. There was nothing there, I felt a sharp pain fly through my body and then I collapsed. He stood above me laughing, and talking. I couldn't hear him. He grabbed me by my shirt and threw me to the ground. He kicked me in the stomach multiple times. He said one final thing and then stabbed me in the chest. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. All I could think about was Lauren.

I was being dragged, I thought I was going to die, but here I was being dragged to safety. The sounds of war were quiet, but the sound of my blood leaking out of my body was loud. I couldn't talk, everything was muffled.

Sargent: "Lay him down gently. He has lost too much blood already." I was surrounded by people, soldiers, sargents, surgeons, and nurses. I felt a sharp pain when I took in a breath and that was when I passed out. 


So like I haven't edit this book in like months... sorry a lot happened, but I'm back now. :)


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