A/N: omg the title made it sound like something COMPLETLY different- IT'S NOT THAT DON'T WORRY- we don't do that here- *remembers my one-shot book where we needed holy bibles* ok maybe we do that A LITTLE BIT HERE-
-Patton's POV-
"Uh yeah..." I said, immediately regretting it.
"Explain, Patton. Now." Logan looked at me and I looked at my kids.
"LEAVE HIM ALONE! HE WANTED TO MAKE SURE I DIDN'T GET OVERWHELMED BUT LOOK AT HIM! HE IS THE CLOSEST THING US SIDES HAVE HAD TO A FATHER! SO WHY DON'T YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!" Marley shouted. (*cough* sanders sides reference to when Virgil was like 'so anyone who doesn't get that should just shut up' *cough*)
The room was quiet.
*Crunch Crunch*
Me: THOMAS! THAT'S NOT iN tHE sCriPt! nO pOpCorN riGhT nOw-
Take 2
The room was quiet.
Until we heard Virgil screech and fall off the stairs.
"OH. MY GOD- Yeah im just gonna nope myself outta here- fuck this shit im out-mMm- fuck this shit im out, no thanks, don't mind me ima just grab my stuff and leave, 'scuze me, please, fuck this shit,im out! NOPE!" Virgil said, walking behind me.
"Alright then. I don't know what the fuck just happened- OH MY GOD!" Roman said
"Yeah. She gets like that when she's angry. Its a mix between Virgil and Remus!" I said, kinda scared myself.
"bUt sHeS oN FiRe! mE aND thE eMo dOnT LiGhT oN FiRe!" Remus said, getting kinda crazier then he's always been, and that freaked me out.
"Its purple fire, Remus. There's a difference." I looked at him. (*cough* and frankly it's a little disquieting that you let your ideals blind you to reality. Hamilton? Sir. Draft a statement of neutrality *cough*)
"Wait...if it's not purple does that not mean that Virgil can't light on fire?!" Janus exclaimed, looking at Virgil.
"Uhhh yeah, I think so-" I started.
"He can." Said a small voice, that made everyone jump
"Dad, can I just explain what im a side of, I think I'm better at it then you."
"Yeah that makes sense. And the floor...is yours." I said, putting a name tag on the floor that said 'I belong to Marley'.
"Thank you, Dad." She said, clapping. "Ok, so being the embodiment of all of you guys means that, basically, I get Virgil's anxiety, Dad's morality, Logan's logic, and so on. That might be kind of confusing so I'm going to use ✨e x a m p l e s✨. Did you guys notice how stressed out I was getting during the "question" area that the r e a d e r s didn't get any info on me?" (the fourth wall is cracking-) "That was my inner Virgil per-say. And music calms down Roman." (its a headcanon my dudess) "Sooo combine that, and you have me. Another example is I lie as well as Janus, but I don't like doing it. Just like J a n u s. And I'm as chaotic as Remus. Before you say anything Logan, I'm not that smart. I'm freaking 12- freaking is not a bad word Dad. I mean, yes I do have my smart moments, but also like you, I go on and on about 1 topic while talking. And like Remus, I do better by talking my ideas out than writing them down."
-3rd Person-
"Ohhhhh that makes more sense!" Roman said, looking at the ceiling for some reason-
(A/N: No seriously, why was he looking at the ceiling I really don't have any idea- ...I just looked at my ceiling. Kill me now-)
"No, I don't agree with princy," Janus said, slapping himself a few moments after.
"You good, Jan?" Marley said, looking at him.
"N-yeah I'm not- I'm good."
A/N: WRITERS BLOCK! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY I just wanted to get this chapter out. I'm in my science class with the t s u n m i s . But I have my d i s n e y g u i t a r m u s i c BLASTING so I think im gonna be good right now- oh. 1 more minute of class. COOL!
Siblings? (a platonic Virgil x Random Character I made up dont judge-)
SaggisticaRandom Character (idk a name yet- it'll come to me, Ok?) is a new side and is particularly drawn to the side that wants to be around them the least. Inspired by Weirdness (Sanders Sides x Reader ) by FriskVanlockster1011