The chapter in which most of them regret life

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-Patton's POV-

"Yeah, she's good now..." Virgil said, ruffling Marley's hair.

*play video*

"As for YOU GUYS." I said, turning to the other sides, "R U N."

-2 hours later and all the sides are beaten up-

"So...what happened, Marley?" I asked my daughter, who was still clinging onto Virge.

"Oh, it's fine, I just got a little overwhelmed! Lots of questions...and there's one reoccurring question that even I don't know the answer too!" She said, finally letting go of Virgil, and having him fall back onto the stair that he always sat on.

"Oh, yeah? What's the question?" I asked her, hoping to help out.

"Why did you pull a Disney parent?" She asked, determined. (If yalls don't know what pulling a Disney parent is let me recap: Sleeping Beautys parents, Mother Gothel, King Triten...sort of- king agnar and queen iduna- should I continue?)

"I wanted to...make sure that you didn't get judged...I didn't want you to get hurt, or overwhelmed, seeing as you are every single one of us..." I said, immediately putting my hand over my mouth and watched her put her head in her hands as if to say, 'C'mon Dadddd'.

 "SHE'S WHAT?" all of my fam I-L-Y said, turning to me. "Isn't Thomas though?"

"No...just let me explain.."

A/N: EHHEHEHEHEHHEEHEH CLIFFHANGER POWER! THE POWER OF THE AUTHOR! Don't worry im about to start writing the next chapter plus im INVESTED in this storyline now uwu

-Word count: 247 words-

Siblings? (a platonic Virgil x Random Character I made up dont judge-)Where stories live. Discover now