Chapter 2: I See You Now, In What's Left of Me

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You started spending more and more time at the Joestars' manor, but less and less time with JoJo, much to everyone's surprise. You began spending a lot of your time with Dio. He was strange to be sure, but you loved each other, even if he had a strange way of showing it. He would always scoff when you wanted to cuddle, and almost treat you like you were a nuisance most of the time, but you felt you could see through his ruse. On the inside, you truly believed, he loved you. Jonathan had moved on from you after noticing your attention focusing more and more on Dio, deciding to never tell you how he had felt. He started gaining feelings for Erina, but it was never quite the same as how he had felt about you.

In the blink of an eye, seven years had passed. You, Jonathan, and Dio have all almost finished your final year of college. Jonathan had studied archeology, Dio law, and you (type of degree). At the moment, you were sitting in the stands at your school's final game of the year. You had never been much of a sports fan, but nothing could keep you from cheering on your boyfriend.

You watched in anticipation as Jonathan ran across the field with the ball. You gasp as he was tackled, but he kept going! Two more guys piled on him, but Jonathan kept moving still. A fourth and final player jumped on him, finally bringing him to a halt, but JoJo hurled the ball towards Dio, who caught it and continued his way across the field, scoring the final points of the game and winning it for your school.

Once the team and school had properly celebrated the victory, you three headed back to the boys' home to tell Sir Joestar the good news. It was rather unfortunate, really. Sir Joestar was a very kind man, a bit harsh at times, but kind all the same.

Recently, he had caught a cold, but just after he started getting better, things got much, much worse. You were all extremely worried over him. Well, you and JoJo were. Dio tended to hide his emotions, but you were sure he was much more concerned than he let on. After all, Sir Joestar had taken him in after his father died and treated him as his own. This must be hard for him.

The next day, you notice that JoJo has disappeared. Dio seems upset, so you try your best to comfort him, even doing something he'll allow only you to do: stroke the set of moles on his left ear. Although Dio doesn't outwardly show affection, this seemed to be the only way you could show your affection without him complaining or fighting you off, not that your attempts to console him do much. A few days later, you notice that Dio has also gone missing as well. You get worried, but try to hide it. Since both boys are gone for the time being, you decided to stay the night at the Joestars' to help keep an eye on Sir Joestar and make sure his condition doesn't get any worse. The next day, Jonathan comes back, but you quickly notice that he has several police officers with him.

"J-JoJo? What's going on?"

He lets out a bitter laugh. "You can't be serious? As if you don't know?" He points his finger at you dramatically. "You're probably in on Dio's plan!"

"Dio's... plan? What are you talking about? Why are there police with you?"

"Dio has been poisoning Father," he spits out.

You gasp. "W-what? W-why would he do that?" You barely notice that you've started shaking. In a split second, your fear and sadness turn to anger. "J-Jonathan... how could you accuse him of something like that?!? I know he's not the most open with his feelings, but to accuse your own brother of something so horrible?!?"

"You mean... you had nothing to do with it?"

"For the last time, Jonathan, there's no way that Dio would be capable of something like that! Despite what you all may think, he's a kind man! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get some breakfast."

Dio Brando x Male Reader: Bad Guys Never WinWhere stories live. Discover now