Chapter 4: I Hate that It Seemed You Were Never in Love

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As you started getting close to your destination, a small boy jumps out of seemingly nowhere to grab the bag with all of the group's money. Zeppeli races across the top of the water after the boy, who is now climbing a cliff on the other side of the water. JoJo quickly follows after him, making splashes with each footfall. By the time you and Speedwagon reach your companions on the other side of the river, the boy had fallen into JoJo's arms and the sun has started to set. It's then that you all realize that this had been a trap. That the boy had been controlled to steal the bag and lead you across the water, away from the town and into a graveyard. Zombified hands started to break through the soil underneath your feet and claw at your legs, trying to hold you all in place.

Speedwagon suddenly cries out, "Look, it's him!"

Before you even have a chance to look, you hear that voice.

"The sun is gone." You look to the top of one of the many towering piles of rock surrounding you. "You will not live to see it rise once more." Your face falls into a glare seconds before his eyes find you. "Oh? What's this? Have you come all this way to see me? Perhaps to convince me to come back to you? My darling M/N, I'm flattered, really."

"Cut the crap, Dio," you spit out. This definitely catches him off guard. Of course, you couldn't blame him. You'd been completely wrapped around his finger for years, after all. "You're a lying piece of shit and you know it."

Dio pauses for a moment looking shocked and almost... hurt? No, he isn't hurt. He's just trying to throw me off, get me to pity him. It's not gonna work.

He quickly recovers and answers you, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Whatever do you mean? I have been nothing but a gentle, loving boyfriend towards you, M/N."

"You lied to me for years, you sonova-" you're suddenly swept into the air, "-bitch!. It's only now that you're being raised closer and closer to the top of the pillar that you notice that the others had been fighting for their lives while you were hashing things out with Dio.

"My, my, what do we have here?" He says once you've reached him, the minion that brought you up to him quickly joining the fray to fight against your companions. Dio takes a slow step towards you, "It seems I've been brought a gift. Of course, I don't remember your mouth being that filthy in that past," he says disdainfully. He takes a second step before finally reaching you with a third. If you'd had anywhere to go, you'd have put more distance between the two of you, but unfortunately the pillar didn't offer much space. Dio gently placed his hands on your chest, not to push you, no it was the same action he had taken all those years ago on the day you met. He leaned in closer to your ear before whispering a, seemingly genuine, "I've missed you."

Before you have a chance to react, you notice that a pair of knights had appeared, clearly some of Dio's minions. You weren't sure when they had arrived, but the smaller of the two - not that he was small by any means - called up, causing Dio to pull his head away from you. "Milord Dio, in this young man I do sense a great reservoir of spirit. I humbly petition you for the right to face him in sole combat and strike him down." You look down to see he's talking about JoJo.

"No," you whisper. This seems to catch Dio's attention. He looks at you from the corner of his eyes before his attention shifts back to the knight.

"As you will, then," he replies.

"No!" you shout at Dio. "Why are you doing this? JoJo was always a good kid, and he's grown into an even better man. Why do you feel the need to hurt so many innocent people?"

Dio seems to growl at this. "If JoJo is such a good man, then why didn't you just date him?" he spits out, causing you to glare.

"You know good and well why," you reply through clenched teeth.

Dio turns his attention back to the fighting below while your glare remains trained on his face. The smirk suddenly returns to his face. "I will go," he shouts down. "Here, there is nothing left to see. And now I will transform this sleepy village into a necropolis." He suddenly grabs you and you find that he's started to fly towards the town with you. "The zombies I create will devour England like a plague, with the world soon to follow."

No, it can't be. Before you knew it, your companions disappeared from your sight.

Dio Brando x Male Reader: Bad Guys Never WinWhere stories live. Discover now