Chapter 6: I Don't Hate that I Need You

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You're woken up to the sounds of banging and yelling. You feel something moving in your arms, as if trying to leave you, but you quickly latch on tighter, determined to keep it with you. There's hushed voices in the room for a moment, but, not wanting to wake up entirely, you bury your face into whatever is encased in your arms. It feels soft, like skin, but also fairly cool to the touch. It was very comforting, to be honest.

Within moments, however, the banging appeared to be coming from right outside the room. You groan slightly, nuzzling your chosen pillow before slightly peeking through your eyelids. You think you pick up the words "They're here, Lord Dio," before your eyes snap open and you jolt upright as you notice the zombies in the room. You pull the covers up towards your chest in a slight panic as your feet push you closer towards the headboard. You hear a slight amused chuckle from beside you. I know that voice.

"Calm down, my love, they're simply my servants. Or have you forgotten where you are?" You look to your side, your breathing calming as you feel a calming hand be placed on your bare chest. The events of last night return to you as you see Dio next to you. He lets out another amused chuckle before leaning forward to place a quick, chaste kiss on your lips.

"Wait..." you say, the fact that you're now shirtless sinking in. "Where is my shirt?"

Dio's face immediately gains a slightly pink tint and he turns away slightly as he answers. "I-it was dirty after... I had it sent of to be cleaned."

"Ah," is your simple reply. Another loud bang suddenly shakes the building. "W-what's happening, Dio?"

The man in question grimaces slightly. "It would appear as though your compatriots have come to reclaim you." You perk up slightly before it dawns on you...

"Wait, if they're here, wouldn't that also mean they plan to-"

"Kill me? Undoubtedly."


"I know this must be difficult for you, Love, but I'm afraid I would have to kill your companions in order to prevent them from killing myself. Of course," he trails off for a moment, "the fight would be easier with you by my side..."

"What do you mean?"

He nods to the zombies in the room, and one steps forward, lowering their head and presenting Dio with-

You gasp. "The mask?"

"Yes, Love. I want you to join me in eternity. Not as a zombie slave, but as my king, to rule this world alongside me." Dio's smile stretches from ear to ear as he looks up at you, excitedly awaiting your answer.

"B-Baby, I..."

"Yes, my love?"

" D i o , I ' m a f r a i d I c a n ' t d o t h a t . "


Dio Brando x Male Reader: Bad Guys Never WinWhere stories live. Discover now