Because My Kiddo Is Annoying

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It was a few days after Virgil had gotten the blackmail that proved Patton would be the most interesting side to be getting blackmail on.

He'd witnessed similar situations to the current one multiple times since then.

Currently he was standing in the doorway to the kitchen watching the other two interact, though they'd no idea he was there.

"Hey daddy, care to pass me a mug?" Logan said as casually as if he'd said the other's name.

"Sure thing Log-!....." Patton trailed off, processing what'd just been said.

He turned from the cabinet he'd been about to open to face Logan.

"What'd you just say?" Patton asked.

"I requested you handed me something to put my coffee in, Patton," Logan immediately responded smoothly.

Virgil waited for Patton to just do so, as normally had been happening, and almost walked in the room until Patton did something different to usual, causing Virgil to freeze.

"No. Repeat word for word what you just said," Patton demanded, taking a step towards Logan. Who immediately visibly swallowed and took a step backwards.

"I- I said, 'Hey Patton, care to pass me a mug?'" Logan stated, internally cursing himself for the stutter.

Patton tsked, shoving Logan back against a counter top and pinning him by his wrists with a hand to the cabinets above. He placed his other hand flat down on the counter next to Logan's waist.

"No you didn't. Try again," he stated harshly.

Logan stayed quiet apparently a second too long as soon enough Patton had tsked once more and quickly placed his own leg in between Logan's own, visibly pressing it down.

Now, Virgil, who had been filming since Patton had first done something different than usual, snickered under his hand as this continued.

Logan had suddenly gasped, quickly answering the question properly.

"I said, 'Hey daddy, c-'" he was almost immediately cut off by Patton pressing his lips against the other's.

He pulled back a few seconds later, saying directly into Logan's ear, "Again. Louder."

So Logan repeated himself, stuttering out, "D- Daddy-" before Patton was immediately pressing their mouths together again, running the hand that had been placed against the counter up Logan's shirt easily after tugging at it a bit.

Patton pulled away a bit before visibly pushing his leg down further and the effect was immediate-

Logan practically all but threw his head back and moaned out, "Daddy~!"

Patton growled, backing up and grabbing Logan by a single wrist. "Mine now baby boy," he hissed out, tugging Logan who had a visible shiver run through his entire body with behind him by the wrist as he walked out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.

As Virgil ended the video taken Patton seemed to not notice him, too focused on getting upstairs, but Logan looked at him and his eyes widened as Virgil smirked, winked at him, and shook his phone facing Logan so he could see the camera on.


That night at suppertime after everyone had finished Virgil quickly said, "Wait, hey, Patt, is it alright if we all watch something together before we seperate for the night?"

"Sure thing kiddo!" Patton said happily. His dark strange son actually wanted to spend time with the others! "Did you have something in mind?"

"Of course," Virgil said.

After setting it up with everyone sat in the living room (Patton had insisted he clean up first) Virgil looked directly at Logan while smirking as he asked, "Is everyone ready?"

Logan's eyes widened while the others said yes. He quickly said, "Y'know I don't think this is the best id-"

Virgil had already hit play.

Of course.

Patton and Logan both immediately flushed different shades of red, Virgil and Remus laughing.

"I knew it!" Janus exclaimed, standing up. "I fucking knew something was off when Virgil told us to call you that!"

Roman was just staring at the television screen in shock.

Patton and Logan were n o t looking forward to the conversation that came right after that video ended-

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