Chapter Two

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Over the course of the night, Cerast had almost figured out everything the prince was going to ask him for.

Since Cerast did not sleep anymore, it being among the unnecessary things like eating and drinking for him, it took only having the prince within his village to find the real reasons the man was here.

His magic had ties to every subcategory that existed; Elemental, Ritual, Portal, Telepathy, Charms, and of course, Seer. Cerast's preferred magic being Seer and Ritual with the occasional Charms that he sold.

Seer magic made it easy for him to know things such as intention and some prophetic becomings.

This is why, when the prince of Vozdan finally strolled up to his front door, Cerast knew why he was there. Still, he figured it best to let the man at least try to have his introductions.

"Good morning. I am Prince Bandian of Vozdan. There is an urgent matter that I should like to discuss with you that involves the Kings health."

Cerast idly looked to the prince and the guards he had brought with him.

Prince Bandian was handsome, perhaps more handsome than Morr if he cleaned up a tad more.

The simple white flowy tunic and tight brown trousers hardly suggested that the man was a prince. Perhaps the sword at his hip or the Vozdan insignia around his neck were the only things that provided evidence he was not a commoner.

His hair was light, the short blond locks seeming almost golden in the morning sun. Cerast especially liked the oddly yellow eyes.

They were not normal for humans last time he had checked.

"Hm, your eyes are strange." Cerast spoke with a hum, studying the new and more interesting part of this prince.

The last prince he had met was such a bore, a snob too. He was always complaining about not getting what he wanted.

Though this prince, he had strange eyes, and even flushed when Cerast mentioned them.

"That is none of your business, sir. We are here only to discuss my fathers condition and your price in a remedy." Prince Bandian huffed and attempted to retrieve his more diplomatic tone.

Cerast felt his lips twitch before he smothered the attempts at a smile.

"Ah, have I struck a nerve? Have your eyes been called strange before? Perhaps you do not like them?" Cerast bit his tongue harshly. "My apologies, I should know better to mind my tongue. Gods know just how wildly some princes react to it."

The prince exhaled shortly and flushed once more. Cerast decided to pity the man and moved aside to let his guests in.

"What symptoms does Tysefr have?" Cerast asked and shut the door behind the four new men in his home.

"He is the king and you shall address him as such." Prince Bandian announced as him and his guards stood awkwardly.

Cerast raised an eyebrow and gestured to his dining table. It had nine chairs for a reason, and could comfortably fit the prince and his men.

"I was there when your father was born, Prince Bandian. He is king yes, but I have seen him bare and defenseless. I will call him as I wish." Cerast said shortly, eyeing where Farra was perched outside his window. "Now, what symptoms does he have?"

The prince followed Cerast's eyes to the window, furrowing his brows before refocusing on the question.

"He is unconscious. There is fever too, but he has not woken since a fortnight ago. The healers say he might have been poisoned, or a spell has been cast upon him." Prince Bandian explained after he had sat down carefully at Cerast's table.

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