Chapter Fifteen

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There was a knock at Cerast's door that woke him.

After talking to the moon the night before, he felt far more prepared to speak to Farra again, which is who he assumed was at the door.

An apology was of course required. One more in depth than the light one he had said after their conversation. Cerast loved Farra and would not have the other god believe that was not true. He would rather have Jysp back in his life then lose Farra for his own words.

Cerast rose from bed with a stretch, his feet bare and hair rustled from sleep. There was no need to change out of his sleep clothes if it was just Farra after all. The villagers never came to his door and only waited near the hut for him to arrive.

"Farra, I must apologize-" Cerast began his words without truly looking who was there and swallowed his voice in an instant.

This man was not Farra. They were in fact no one that Cerast knew. For if he knew them, they would have already had sex because the man was beautiful.

"I am afraid I am not my brother. My name is Valen and I was told you sought to speak with me."

Cerast stared openly at the man, his eyes drinking in what was surely one of the best looking people he had met in his many years of living.

He had light brown hair just past his ears, a dusting of a beard across a magnificent jaw, and muscles that stretched the thin fabric of a green tunic. Yet Cerast found that his eyes kept drifting the the man's own.

They were strange, but in a way that made them feel ethereal and pretty.

Both were for the majority green, yet held rings of hazel towards the center of the iris. One of Valen's eyes held a section of blue and the other eye held a section of brown. He had every eye color Cerast had seen and it truly made his heart flutter.

Forgetting that Valen had spoken to him, Cerast quickly rid his mind of the man's body and instead focused on his words.

"Brother?" Cerast asked, his voice scratchy and deep as sleep still affected it.

"Farra. He visited me yesterday and told me of the new god who wanted to converse. I admit it was already a trip I intended to make, yet my duties are many. Especially since one of my gods is no more and I have acquired two in his place." Valen tilted his head only slightly towards Cerast, causing the shorter man to blush.

Valen towered over Cerast, his chin only barely reaching Cerast's forehead. There had been men who were taller than him, but he was of average height and it was hard to do so. Cerast could admit that he held a place in his heart and bed for men taller than him. Loell dwarfed Cerast by a substantial amount when they were young.

"I- Sorry, would you like to come in? I have bread and jam." Cerast swallowed and stepped aside, gesturing inside as he finally remembered how to greet a guest.

Valen only nodded and followed Cerast in. Quickly, Cerast glanced to the hut to make sure there were no villagers in need of his services before shutting the door. He could only imagine what rumors they would start about a handsome man visiting him.

"No one will disturb us tonight. Your village is tended to for the time being, we have much to talk about and I would hate to be interrupted by aching bones and unwanted pregnancies." Valen stated with a small smile, his hands clasped themselves behind his back as he waited for Cerast.

This made Cerast pause for a moment, but he shook off the slight wonder and waved to a chair at his table.

"Alright. So, uh, are you a god then?" Cerast question tightly, his back turning to Valen as he went about gathering some of his bread and a jar of mulberry jam.

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