13 - I've Never Met A Fox Demon Like You

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translator: THISBRO

editor: Mimishijie

proofreader: HappyBubbles


Each line of this technique just got harder and harder to decipher. Fortunately, he had He Huan acting as translator, who was also extremely familiar with this body, He Ku discovered that he only needed to manipulate the qi in his body the way He Huan said and it would be fine.

Who knew how many wandering cultivators would envy such a heaven-blessed idiot if they saw this. Although He Ku wasn't that familiar with cultivation norms, just from his experience in reading web novels, never had he seen a protagonist have it as easy as he did. Immediately, he felt a wave of gratitude towards He Huan, his earnestness to cultivate growing.

He Huan's body was already at the strength of Calamity Crossing, it was only because the two techniques were incompatible with each other that He Ku had to cultivate his own spiritual energy filled meridians. As for the lightning tribulation, because it was targeted at the physical body, it was exempted.

Long ago, there was someone who suggested that the quickest way to reach the Calamity Crossing stage was to find a Calamity Crossing stage cultivator and steal their body to use. However, Calamity Crossing cultivators had an extremely strong divine consciousness; such that, even within the same realm, no one could be guaranteed to succeed. Those on the Jianghu ridiculed him for thinking of such a farfetched method at the time, but no one could have predicted that today, He Huan would verify that this was indeed a feasible course of action by splitting his divine consciousness in two.

He Huan intimately knew that his heart demon would prevent him from ascending, so creating He Ku was him taking a risk from the start, but after taking that ill-informed step, there were actually some unexpected rewards.

Looking at He Ku, who had just learned his flying skill, practically glowing as he jumped from roof to roof, even his Technique of Bliss, which had long lain dormant, stirred to life at his Yuan Ying's pleasure. It seems that in the end, a technique was just a technique, even He Ku's happiness could be correspondingly recognized as his own and from there, improve his cultivation.

He had lived for a long time; towards worldly affairs, his interest had waned compared to the past. It was hard to reignite the same kind of passion and love. He Ku was different, though. He was still young, any little, random thing could grab his attention and make him happy. Moreover, he had tested it yesterday, as long as they were separated by a certain amount of distance, He Ku's mood wouldn't be able to affect him. So he didn't have to worry about his cultivation suddenly regressing because He Ku became distraught. This situation really couldn't be more suitable for cultivating.

With an inner assessment, and seeing that He Ku still looked like he hadn't found out about this fact, He Huan couldn't help but sigh. Largely speaking, this was what any relationship in this word was reduced to, inextricably linked to one's own selfish interests. The seniors and peers he had surrounded himself with when he was young had probably only praised him and flattered him because of the potential benefits they thought he could provide. Back then, he didn't understand; instead, he really thought that everyone genuinely loved and respected him. This was probably the reason that, the moment he encountered a major crisis, he had fallen to a state where he was so utterly alone, he could only turn to demonic cultivation.

He Ku was a soul fragment that he had separated from himself, his memories were handled very cleanly. Compared to the him of the past, He Ku was much easier to control. It was just that, as much as possible, he still hoped that his Yuan Ying could wholeheartedly be dependent on him, docile and obedient. Afterall, they were originally the same person; unless it was a last resort, he didn't want to use demonic techniques on him.

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