The Vanish/Where the hell I've been.

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I don't actually think many people are that attatched to this account but if you are still here and reading this thank you so much for sticking around <3 That does mean a lot and it tells me my stories mean just as much to you as they do to you so thank you. 

Alright down to what ya here for. Where have I been?? 

Well I started a job. I graduated. After that just a lot of stuff has happened . . . a lot of stress at work as I was having to ride in with my friend although that is no longer the case. A lot of this was around the beginning months of this year. 

Depression kind of hit me hard a bit after I graduated and I was doing absolutely awful on maintaining healthy clean habits like taking showers and brushing teeth and it was really making things worse regarding anxiety and depression. 

So I got out of that ditch when I started working and worked myself right back into it. Not as bad as the first time mind you. Now this puts me right at about july and august. 

I've been doing better not as good but better. I joined a Minecraft story roleplay server called Chertia in June. (I know it sounds weird as hell but if you enjoy Roleplaying and a really great storyline to be a part of and also a little minecraf in between I definitely recommend checking it out the community is so incredible and it's become a second home in all reality!!) So that's been the place I've been hiding out on so to speak lol. 

I recently like the past day or so had to buy a wrist brace finally due to my wrist starting to ache too much from work plus drawing in between work days when I wasn't supposed to be working it due to it hurting in the first place. According to the RN who is my aunt it sounded like Carpal Tunel which I know my birth mother had as well plus rheumatoid runs in my family. So that really sucks and I hate it a lot but I do still wear it when I need to unfortunately. I also recently got a license! 

I'm hopefully working back up to a better place I can't promise I'll be any more consistent but I do have things that I am working on!! I am currently working on finishing The Family Business and starting and planning out nightmares present the next installment of Future's past. 

I do apologize I have been gone for so long. I know I have no excuses other then just letting life prevent me from doing what I love which is writing. There is a lot of things going on but I am going to try to get out a schedule to plan out which days I am writing when just to try to get into better writing habits for the sake of you guys. 

I mean no doubt I wont force myself if I really am not doing too well writing but I'm still going to give it my best effort!! 

The last of Family business is planned out and ready it just needs to be written. There is possibly a sequel in the planning but not sure yet. I honestly can't remember what I planned lol. 

I always wanted my stories to be something people can enjoy and maybe even relate to or something people can find an escape from real life in or something that makes people smile and I want to do that again. I was a coward in all honesty for just avoiding wattpad and not coming back to them all. 

I hope you all are having a wonderful week and month and I hope my stories do continue to give you as much joy as they do me even if I neglect them for so long. <3 <3 <3 

Stay amazing great and wonderful My squishies <3 

- Chas.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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