Chapter 4

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I emerge from the dressing room to see Rodney walking in front of Billie and Finneas talking fast and using a lot of hand gestures.

"... both must have amazing parents. I'd never be able to homeschool my kids... Ah Kristina, were you just getting Billie's dressing room ready?" I try not to make eye contact with Billie and reply with "Yeah of course, it's all ready for you." I look at her and she is already smiling. "Ok Finneas, I'll show you to the men's bathroom. It's just down the hall". Billie and Finneas exchange weird glances before Finneas is whisked off seemingly unwillingly.

I hold open the dressing room door for Billie and she walks in. I go to walk away but before I can take a step she says "Do I make you nervous?" I stare at her and she's checking out the room. "Well I mean, a big celebrity like you would make anyone nervous, right?" I reply. She laughs "Mmm. I don't think that's it. If it makes you feel better, you make me nervous too" with that she looks up at me. I blush and look away. She continues "There's something about you. Not just that you're beautiful or a great singer. I feel like I've known you for a lot longer than an hour." "I could say the same about you". She laughs and I smile. A few seconds pass of us staring at each other. "You're making me vulnerable, Kristina, and I don't like showing that side of me" she says "Really? I don't get that vibe from you. I think your songs are very raw and full of emotions. Yeah, Finneas may be writing some of them but the way you sing them is so... pure" I say. "That's deep, man, but I like it" she says without looking at me so I continue "I could only dream of writing and performing a song that conveys a real time in my life and have people relate. Most performers can't say that." This time she looks at me "You're a songwriter too?" She asks "Here and there but they're not great. I don't have enough talent in writing yet" I laugh awkwardly looking down at my feet. She closes the gap between us, takes my chin in her hand, and lifts my head up. Her face is so close to mine. She looks me in the eyes and says "If your songs are even half as beautiful as that voice of yours, they're bound to be better than any hit song on the radio today. Don't be so degrading to yourself like that" She smiles and looks down at my mouth. My lips part.

"Oh my god! Please don't leave me alone with that guy again!" Finneas exclaimed bursting into the room. Billie immediately dropped her hand and took a few steps away from me. "Don't be so dramatic Finn. He wasn't that bad! Plus, we have company" Billie replies waving her hand towards me whilst staring at Finneas. Finneas makes his way to the couch and plonks himself down, "He spoke about the history of this place whilst inside the men's bathroom!" He looks at me briefly "Sorry. I've had a long day". "No, no. I'm sorry about Rodney. He once spent half my work day explaining the history of a microphone... at least I got paid to attend the lecture!" I say and they both laugh. I point my thumb to the door and walk backwards out of the room. I close the door and realise I've been holding my breath.

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