Chapter 31

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I pull up to a bright white mansion after travelling for what felt like 10 minutes up a driveway. There wasn't only security at her front gate but also security to get into the housing area. It's a little overwhelming actually. The outside of the house is beautiful with floor to ceiling windows and plants galore. I step out of the car and take a moment to take the house in. Billie comes bursting out of the front door and straight towards me. I jump into her arms and squeeze her tightly. "I'm here" I say crying into her hair. I kiss her and she is beaming. She wipes the tears from my face and hugs me again.

She takes my hand and we go on a house tour. She points to where Finneas' house is and then where her parents live but I have no clue which house is theirs. She tells me her whole family wanted to be here to meet me but she told them no and that she doesn't want me to run away so soon. She takes me inside and I am floored by how nice the house is. She tells me she designed the whole thing herself. We get to her bedroom and she shows me her closet. There's a section that looks untouched. She points and says that that's my section. She's also cleared a section in the bathroom for me as well. The butterflies inside me are going crazy again. She pulls me towards the bed as she holds my hand. She sits on the edge and I straddle her. I hold her head as she holds my hips. We kiss passionately. I've missed this. She pulls me backwards so we're lying on the bed. We melt into each other just as we have done before. This moment feels like I'm right where I need to be.


I wake up naked in bed. Billie is nowhere to be seen. I reach for her purple hoodie that I was wearing before and slip it on. It covers most of my body. I walk around the house trying to listen for any sounds of her. I find her in her studio. She's wearing her hair in space buns and wears a singlet top and tracksuit pants. She sits in a large plush chair with her left knee up close to her chest. Her back is to me and she's wearing headphones. She bops her head to something and the chair is bouncing with her movements. I stand in the doorway and watch her for a minute. She turns her head towards me and looks at her phone. It's then she looks up at me. She smiles and takes her headphones off. "Hey baby" she says. I pull her hoodie over my mouth and blush. She pats her lap and I walk over to her and sit down. She slips the headphones on me and presses play. I hear a keyboard melody that is familiar, then her voice singing some my lyrics, "I had a dream, I had everything I wanted..." I smile at her and cuddle into her chest. She holds me and kisses my head. The song isn't finished yet but it sounds amazing, especially with her voice. "Like it?" she asks, "Love it'" I reply. "I love you" she says, "I love you" I say back and kiss her. "Why do you make all my clothes look better than when I wear them?" she says biting her lip. I pout at her. "I can just take it off" I say and pull it up over my head. "That works too" she says pulling me into her and kissing my body. "Come back to bed?" I ask her. She nods.

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