Let's Leave This Place

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I sigh as I sit on Gerard's bed. "Are you ok?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm just so sick of this town." I explain. "Let's run away." He suggests. "Seriously?" I question. "Yeah." He says. "What about the guys?" I ask. "We'll take them with us." He tells me. "Alright. Let's go." I say as I stand up. Gerard grabs a bag and quickly packs most of his clothes and some important things while I text the guys and tell them what's going on. I smile when I see the door open. Mikey walks in with a backpack over his shoulder. We climb out of the window before walking to Gerards car. We put our bags in the trunk before climbing into the car. Gerard starts the car and drives to Frank's house. I smile as he gets in. "So were finally leaving this place, huh?" He chuckles. "Yep." I tell him. "Where are we going?" He asks. "Neverland!" I joke. The boys laugh as we stop in front of Ray's house. "Hey guys." He says as he gets in. "Hey Ray." I say. I smile as we head out of town. I close my eyes and stick my hand out of the window. I take a deep breath and sigh at the familiar scent of dew and stale cigarette smoke. We stop about a mile out of town and get out of the car. We all stand and look at the town we grew up in, the town that had always held us down : Bellveiw, New Jersey. "I hope we never see this place again." I mumble. "Me too." Mikey chuckles. "We should get going." Ray tells us. We all get back in the car and Geard speeds off towards the interstate.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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