Donny burst through a door and ran down the stairs, bullets wized behind him.
sprinting onto a basketball court thinking he'd fled but was now surrounded by dancing fantasy girls.
again he became lucid and fus ro dahd them backwards off the edge.A man sat in the centre beneath the hoop on a chair. he spun around on his chair with a bryan cranston type face and beard he smiled.
"I've been expecting you." he said
Donnatello was alarmed by this and the thoughts of other strange characters expecting him rose in his mind.
"come with me." Bryan said.Donnatello followed down a spiraling staircase eager to discover the mans secrets, it was clear he possessed some. and guarded them only so.
"where are you taking me?" donny asked,
"They have requested to speak with some chosen. dont look into their eyes, speak when spoken to."
Brayn gave Donny the royalty rundown,
Donny nodded and kissed the purple dragon.they found a spaceship and climbed onboard.
it zipped out of earths atmosphere and its glass revealed a secret temple of god that hovered skyborne,
the ship flew forward through the gate and Donnys conciousness picked up visions of strange creatures.they drew him toward the mothership, and both men clambered on board.
beeping and chirping noises cooed down corridors.
bodys inside cylinders of goo.
cords attached.Bryan walked Donny toward a door and said goodbye. touching the pad.
the doors opened.
PoetryLucidly dreaming Donny is drawn closer into the still beating secret 💓 heart of the cosmos.