1- Lambo

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Alexis POV

We only had three more days until school started again.

I was sitting in between Cam and Jack on the couch as they watched the football.

I was bored, I didn't really follow the footy and kept drifting in and out of sleep.

We were in New York now and it was freezing. Even under the blanket I shared with the two boys and sweats I was freezing.

I heard someone come in and looked up to see Taylor.

We haven't really talked, I don't even know if he remembers the night at Johnson's. Either way, he pretends it never happened.

"Alexis? You know a little about cars right?" He asked.


"Um, I was wondering if you could take a look at my ranger? It won't start."

"Uh. Sure." I said hesitantly.

"Do you need me to come with you?" Jack asked, taking his eyes off the game.

"No. It's ok. You watch the game." I said, pulling on a hoodie and following Taylor out the door.

I pulled on converse and followed him into the elevator.

"Anything happen to your car lately?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "No. I've just get the ranger here in NY because I'm staying here for a while."

I nodded as the elevator took us down to the parking lot.

"This is my baby." He said, patting the hood of a huge white ranger.

I lifted the hood and stop on my tiptoes to see if I could see anything wrong. I checked the oil and the engine looked fine.

"I gotta take this." Taylor said, handing me his keys and answering his phone.

I climbed, literally climbed, into the front seat and turned the key.

It revved to life and I looked over to where Taylor was standing.

But he was gone. I turned the car off and jumped out.

"Taylor?" I called.

I looked around but didn't see him. I shrugged and pulled the key out when all of a sudden I was pushed back up against the car.

"Thought I forgt about that night didn't you?" Taylor hissed in my face as he pinned me up against the car.

I tried to push him away, but he was a hell lot stronger than I was.

"Don't fight it baby. I always get what I want. And I want you to kiss me."

"No way would I kiss you. You dick face." I said, fighting against his arms. He stood on my shoes, so I couldn't kick him and pressed himself against me.

Tears threatened to spill as I realised the situation I was in and I looked up to Taylor, scared.

"Please. What have I ever done to you?" I begged.

"I like it when you beg. Do it again." He whispered harshly into my ear.

"Just let me go." I said, my body shaking.

Why wasn't anybody here now? Didn't they have cameras or something? Security?

"What are you going to do? Scream out for Jack? Why would you do that when you can scream my name?" He said, rubbing himself up against me.

I clenched my eyes shut and spat in his face.

I opened my eyes again when I felt him let me go. Only to feel his hand connect with my cheek, making my whole face sting and go numb.

I fell, to the ground in shock only to have him pick me up again and slam me into the back seat of the car. I kicked out, hitting him in the face.

"Stop being a bitch and get in the car." He yelled, trying to push the car door closed.

I kicked out again and once my foot connected with his face, I slammed the door shut and used the keys to lock the car.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts looking for Jack when the car door opened.

"Wrong button." Taylor hissed, grabbing my legs and dragging me out the car.

I fumbled with my phone, hoping I had called someone. He ripped the phone from my hand and pulled me out of the car fully.

I landed hard on the parking lot floor with a groan.

I looked up to him once again in fear as he smirked, gripping my biceps and pulling up from the ground again.

I screamed, hoping someone would hear me as he repeatedly hit my head on the car.

The back of my skull hurt so much that I couldn't hold on any longer. Black spots started to consume my vision.

And I let them. It wouldn't be so bad if I was blacked out.


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