10- DOA

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It was funny seeing Jack so jealous. As he drove, sometimes gripping the steering wheel more than he should, I snuck glances at him. His jaw clenched and dark eyes gave the impression he was still upset by the boy, but Jack did look incredibly hot.

"Where are we going?" I asked, curious to where he was driving to.

"Hm." He hummed again, slightly smiling but not giving any hints.

I rolled my eyes and looked out into the dark road. It was around eight at night and most people were out partying giving it was a Saturday.

There was only about three weeks until I graduate and I'm looking forward to it because my mum will be able to see me graduate.

I'd always feared that she wouldn't be able to come home before I graduated.

Eventually, the car stopped and we had arrived at the lookout.

It was beautiful at this time of night because you could see the city of Omaha all lit up.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

He didn't answer, yet got out of the car.

I followed in suit and joined him on the other side of the car.

I could hardly see him because of the lack of light.

We kinda just stood in silence for a while until I couldn't handle it anymore. "Jack, what's wrong? If it's about that guy, he honestly just sat down and I-"

His lips pressed to mine suddenly, cutting me off. I stumbled slightly, but he caught me, his hand slipping down to the small of my back as we pressed closer and closer to each other.

Suddenly, I didn't think about my parents fight, my math test tomorrow or even how beautiful the city lights were.

All I thought about was Jack.

I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him harder and he pulled away, chuckling before lifting me up onto the hood of his jeep.

He looked me in the eyes, before smirking and leaning back in again, pressing his plump lips back to my eager ones as he slowly unzipped my jacket and slipped it off my shoulders.

I pulled him closer as our lips and tongues danced together, until he was just about over the top of me.

I heard a car in the distance but willed it to go away.

I didn't realise that it was a cop car until it flashed their lights.

"Shit." Jack said under his breath, pulling away and helping me back down to the ground.

The headlights of the police car were bright in my eyes as one of the officers walked towards us.

"Come on kids, go home it's a schools night." He said sternly.

"Yes sir. We'll be on our way." Jack said, flashing his charming smile and opening the passenger door for me.

"Can police really do that?" I groaned as we drove off.

"I don't know but that guy kept staring at my crotch."

"I can see why." I giggled.


Half skipping up the stairs to our font door I burst through with my grades in hand.

"Mom! Mom!" I yelled excitedly.

Dad had gone for another business trip so it was just my mom and I of the whole week.

"Mom! I did it! I'm gonna graduate!"

I ran around the house but still couldn't find her.

I left my school report on the table and walked upstairs.

I plonked down onto my bed and opened my laptop.

As I waited for the black screen to come on, I noticed something in the reflection of the laptop.

I peered at it, but the screen turned on.

I turned and looked straight down the hallway, into my parents open bedroom.

I didn't realise that the screaming was mine until my throat started to hurt.

My mom.

She'd hung herself.

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