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Just a recap!~

"Yes! And she can bring Tao! And I can bring Suho! Oh and we can invite Baekhyun! Oooh we can have a triple date!" My smile soon turns into a poker face,
"B-but Baekhyun is my boss, I'm not dating him!" I try to refuse, she looks at me a drills her eyes,
"To bad!" Unnie pokes her tongue out at me, I sigh and drag myself to follow her, great now I have a 'date' with my boss, this is going to be interesting...

After we got back to the office I sat down and waited for Unnie to finish speaking with Baekhyun, she finally walks out of the office and drags me with her,
"Unnie where are we going? I don't finish work for another 4 hours!" She ignores me and keeps marching to her house, she opens the door and pushes me inside, she smiles sweetly at me, 'oh no... What is she thinking? I hope it's not something bad...' I think getting worried,
"Mel-Ssi~ were getting ready for our date~ kaja! We need to prepare!" Unnie says dragging me into her bathroom, I take a shower and open the door,
"Unnie! I've had a shower what do I wear?" I ask, she hands me a bag with the clothes she bought me today in it, I get changed and walk outside, Unnie is already dressed, she looks at me and she smiles,
"You look amazing Mel-Ssi!" I blush and thank her, after about 2 hours we leave to pick LiXue up, when we arrive she is wearing an oversized black sweater, white shorts, black high tops and a plain cream beanie, she gets in,
"Unnie's you look amazing! Totally beautiful!" We thank her,
"You look amazing to LiXue! Let's hope Tao thinks so too!" I say, she smiles and nods, shortly after we arrive at a sweet cafè where we will meet the boys, we hop out and spot the boys, they are all wearing black jeans, and a t-shirt, 'Baekhyun looks so handsome in a white t-shirt and black jeans... God damn it... He looks amazing...' I think to myself before he looks into my eyes, I blush as he smiles at me, we walk up to them, Tao hugs LiXue and Suho hugs Unnie, I bow to Baekhyun and smile to him,
"You know for someone who always says he hates jeans... You look good in them..." I mumble, he shyly smiles,
"For someone who complains about hating shorts you look good in them... You look beautiful Mel-Ssi..." Baekhyun stutters, I smile and blush,
"Thank you Mr. Byun-"
"Baekhyun... Call me Baekhyun" I smile and nod,
"Okay well then thank you Baekhyun, you look very handsome" I say before we head into the cafè, we get a table and order, once our drinks come we start to relax a bit, I keep glancing at Baekhyun, he keeps looking from me to his watch, I sip my bubble tea,
"Hey Baekhyun? Do you need to go somewhere?" I ask placing my drink down, he looks up at me and shakes his head,
"Ani, why?" He asks sipping his bubble tea, I shrug,
"You keep checking your watch I was just curious, how was the meeting?" I ask, he smiles and nods,
"It went well, but can we not talk about work now? How is your sister?" Baekhyun requests, I nod and look down,
"She is alright, I miss her though... And my parents, I hope I can see them soon... What about you? How is your parents?" I ask blinking away the tears, he sadly smiles before looking out the window,
"There fine my father has fallen Ill recently and my mother is fine, I miss them too... Want to walk around?" Baekhyun asks standing up, I nod and follow him out, we start to walk to the park,
"I like this... You... Ahh~ that came out the wrong way... What I meant was-"
"You'd like to have this kind of relationship outside of work?" I ask understanding him, he nods,
"Yes, but also in work to, I don't mean to be rude to you, it's just I like you more than your other co-workers..." Before I could reply I got a message from Unnie,
"Oh Baekhyun-Ssi we should head home now, Unnie just told me I'm sleeping at your house tonight... Is that alright?" I ask looking at him, he nods, the ride home was quiet, once we arrive at Baekhyun's house Unnie runs out to me and pulls me in, she pushes me in the bathroom and tells me to shower, 'wait what will I wear?' I ask myself after I had a shower, as if reading my mind Unnie suddenly appears and hands me a pair of short shorts and a really big jumper,
"Unnie who's jumper is this?" I ask looking up at her, she smirks and shrugs,
"It's one of my older ones..." She says with a sly look on her face, I nod and go back into the bathroom to get changed, after I get changed I walk into Unnie's bedroom and sit on the bed, I sigh and wait for her to come back, she walks in the room with a smile on her face,
"Where is LiXue-Ah?" I ask crossing my legs, she shakes her head,
"She went home with Tao-Ssi, they have to go to China early tomorrow morning" I nod and look at her, Unnie is wearing a big jumper and short shorts like me,
"Hey Mel want to cook with me? I want to cook brownies... Kaja!" Unnie says pulling me down the stairs, I giggle and help her with the brownies, I love brownies, soon I feel arms wrap around my waist, they nuzzle there face into my neck,
"What I said earlier didn't all come out wrong... I do like you Mel-Ssi..." Baekhyun mumbles into my hair,
"Of course you do Baekhyun, your suppose to like the ones that work for you..." I say quietly, he growls and spins me around,
"Mel... I like you more than that... I think I love you..." Baekhyun says staring into my eyes, I look into his dark brown eyes, he is telling the truth, I blush and my mouth curves into a slight smile,
"Baekhyun your not aloud to have a relationship with your inploies... But I can't lie to you... I love you as well..." Baekhyun smiles, he kisses my cheek and hugs me,
"I hope you liked the flowers I kept giving you..." He says, I lean away from him and look into his eyes,
"You sent me those?" I ask, he smiles shyly and nods, I giggle at his sudden shyness,
"Thank you... You made my day happier... But when I left work earlier what did you say and why did you pout?" I ask as I sit myself on the bench, Baekhyun stands in between my legs with his hands on my waist,
"I said, but I don't want her to go... I only get to see her at work, and I pouted because I knew there was no way of stopping it..." I smile and put my arms around his neck,
"That's sweet, but what will we do about work?" I ask, he grins,
"Well your my personal assistant right? You can come into my office more and we can keep this a secret..." Baekhyun winks, I decide to tease him,
"Keep what a secret Mr. Byun?" I ask leaning forward,
"You being my Jagiya!" He replies happily,
"When did I become your Jagiya?" I ask leaning forward more, he growls and leans closer to me,
"Right after I do this..." Baekhyun says before he kisses me passionately on the lips, I don't hesitate to kiss him back, which makes him smirk into the kiss, when we pull away Baekhyun smirks,
"I've been wanting to do that for a while..." I nod in agreement, he suddenly kisses me again, I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and pull him closer, when we pull apart again, Baekhyun turns around,
"Finally! God you guys really?! It took me a year for you two to kiss!" Unnie shouts in glee from the doorway, I blush and hide my face behind Baekhyun, I wrap my arms around his neck as he give me a piggy back ride, he takes me upstairs into his bedroom, he sits me on his bed after closing and locking the door, he smiles and jumps on the bed, I lean up against the headrest, Baekhyun crawls closer to me and rests his head on my lap, I start to brush his hair back, he looks up at me and smiles,
"I'm glad your mine... Chang In kept looking at you... I was so close to punching him..." Baekhyun says making me giggle, he lifts his hand up and caresses my cheek, I smile and lean into his hand,
"I love you Mel-Ssi!" Baekhyun says smiling like an idiot,
"I love you too... Boss" I say as I smile and kiss his noes,
"Goodnight Boss..." I mumble before lying down properly, I see Baekhyun pout,
"This is a goodnight kiss Mel..." Baekhyun says as he leans over me and kisses me, I kiss back and tangle my fingers in his hair, he pulls away and smiles,
"I'm glad I get to wake up to you..." I mumble, making Baekhyun smile, he lies next to me,
"Oppa?" I ask, he looks at me and pats my hair, I turn and look at him,
"Can you sing for me?" I ask, he laughs and nods,
"Only of you sing with me" I nod and we both start to sing a song Unnie wrote, once we finish we smile to each other then close our eyes,
"Goodnight Jagiya~" Baekhyun coos hugging my waist,
"Goodnight Oppa..." I whisper before I fall asleep...

Okay how was it?~
I kind of sped things up sorry!
I can make another part it you'd like...
This is for @YeounJiHye
Well....... Uhm...... Byeeeeee?~

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